Page 69 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 69


       A selection of the most interesting aircraft to visit air bases in the UK recently.

      Twelve Fairchild Republic A-10C Thunderbolt IIs of the USAF’s 74th Fighter Squadron from Moody               AIR BASE MOVEMENTS FROM MAR  WWW.MILITARYAVIATIONREVIEW.COM
      AFB, Georgia passed through RAF Mildenhall over July 13-15.  They were en route to Southwest Asia   ZH827 & ZH840 Merlin HM2s on TDY whilst HMS
      to support Operation Inherent Resolve in the  ght against the so-called Islamic State.  Dino Carrara  Queen Elizabeth undertakes sea trials.  21/6 G-275
                                                                               C-130H 336 Sqn, Royal Netherlands AF.  23/6 6603
      RAF BRIZE NORTON.                    ARS, 916th ARW, USAF n/s.  22/6 68-0213 C-5M   P-3N 333 Skv, Royal Norwegian AF also 27th.
      1/6 EC-406 A400M Airbus Military also 2nd.  6/6   60th/349th AMW, USAF.
      072/62-IF CN-235M-200 ET01.062, French AF;                               RAF MARHAM
      01-0030 C-37A 310th AS, 6th AMW, USAF n/s.  7/6   RAF LAKENHEATH         22/6 FB-15 F-16BM 10 Wing, Belgian Defence – Air
      50+82 Transall LTG63, German AF; ZJ220 Apache   1/6 10-0218 C-17A 62nd/446th AW, USAF n/s.  7/6 57-  Component.
      AH1 3 Regt, AAC.  9/6 CSX7041/RS-01 Tornado RSV,   1514 KC-135R 126th ARS, Wi ANG dep 9th.  8/6 12-
      Italian AF also 12th; MM62219/RS-50 C-27J  RSV,   1047 F-15SA Royal Saudi AF dep, arrived in March.    RAF MILDENHALL
      Italian AF also 12th.  12/6 664 F-16AM FLO, Royal   20/6 69-0024 C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF.  13/6   4/6 88-1303 AC-130W 16th SOS, USAF n/s.   6/6
      Norwegian AF o/s.  13/6 RF-36052/87 blk An-30B   93-1041 C-130H 94th AW, AFRC n/s.   14/6 86-0017   ZZ666 RC-135W 51 Sqn, RAF n/s.  7/6 69-0024
      Russian AF dep 17th.  15/6 73-0991 C-130E 222 Filo,   C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF dep 21st.  15/6 111/62-II   C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF.  12/6 89-2098/OH,
      Turkish AF n/s.   21/6 02 C-17A SAC Wing, NATO n/s.     CN-235M-200 ET01.062, French AF.  26/6 13-5072/  89-2114/OH, 89-2129/OH, 90-0700/OH, 90-0704/OH
      27/6 15001 CC-150 437 Sqn, RCAF dep 29th.    HL & 14-5091/HL F-35As 34th FS, USAF both dep   & 90-0731/OH F-16Cs 122nd FS, Oh ANG all n/s.
                                           29th; T-264 KDC-10 334 Sqn, Royal Netherlands AF   14/6 01 C-17A SAC Wing, NATO.  15/6 89-1052 AC-
      RAF CONINGSBY                        o/s; 06-6162 C-17A 60th/349th AMW, USAF dep 29th.    130U 4th SOS, USAF dep 17th.  19/6 85-0001 C-5M
      8/6 N-088 NH90-NFH Royal Netherlands AF also 9th.    29/6 ZZ527 Wildcat AH1 847 NAS, RN.  436th/512nd AW, USAF n/s.  20/6 73-0991 C-130E
                                                                               222 Filo, Turkish AF dep 22nd.  22/6 86-0026 C-5M
      RAF FAIRFORD                         RAF LEEMING                         433rd AW, AFRC n/s; 10-5771 C-130J-30 19th AW,
      1/6 61-0020/LA B-52H 20th BS, 2nd BW, USAF dep   5/6 158/62-IR CN-235M-200 ET01.062, French AF.  7/6   USAF.  26/6 01-1461 C-130J-30 115th AS, Ca ANG.
      15th;  60-0002/LA B-52H 2nd BW, USAF dep 15th.    E22/8-LS, E81/8-FO, E123/8-RM & E135/8-RX Alpha   29/6 165151 C-20G CFLSW Sigonella.
      2/6 60-0021/LA B-52H 2nd BW, USAF dep 16th.  3/6   Jets EE03.008, French AF all dep 15th.  15/6 072/62-
      86-0017 C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF.  7/6 85-0083/  IF CN-235M-200 ET01.062, French AF.  RAF NORTHOLT
      EL & 85-0084/EL B-1Bs 34th BS, 28th BW, USAF                             1/6 E137/705-LJ & E163/705-RB Alpha Jets
      both dep 20th.  8/6 86-0139/EL B-1B 34th BS, 28th   RAF LINTON-ON-OUSE   EAC00.214, French AF both n/s; 105/ YU Xingu
      BW, USAF dep 20th.   9/6 82-1068/WM B-2A 13th   30/5 E37/705-NL & E128/705-TM Alpha Jets   EAT00.319, French AF n/s; 84-00157 C-12U E/1st-
      BS, 509th BW, USAF dep 20th; 88-0329/WM B-2A   EAC00.314, French AF.     214th Avn, US Army.  6/6 68 Xingu 28F, French Navy;
      110th BS, 131st BW, USAF dep 15th.  12/6 86-0120/                        ZJ691 Sentinel R1 5(AC) Sqn, RAF.  7/6 65 Xingu 28F,
      EL B-1B 37th BS, 28th BW, USAF dep 17th.   19/6   RAF LOSSIEMOUTH        French Navy.  10/6 TL.10-01/31-01 C-130H-30 Ala 31,
      85-0004 C-5M 436th/512nd AW, USAF; 01-0193 C-17A   2/6 10-0218 C-17A 62nd/446th AW, USAF n/s.  15/6   Spanish AF.  12/6 2235 AS332L1 EH03.067, French
      437th/315th AW, USAF.  21/6 62-3542 C-17A 911th   LJ-3 Learjet 35A TukiLLv, Finnish AF n/s.  19/6   AF.  13/6 14+02 Global 5000 FDS, German AF.  14/6
                                                                               LJ-3 Learjet 35A TukiLLv, Finnish AF.   17/6 V-11
                                                                               Gulfstream IV 334 Sqn, Royal Netherlands AF also
                                                                               19th & 21st.  28/6 95-00123 UC-35A E/1st-214th Avn,
                                                                               US Army n/s.
                                                                               RAF VALLEY
                                                                               8/6 N-088 NH90-NFH 860 Sqn, Royal Netherlands AF.
                                                                               14/6 95-00123 UC-35A E/1st-214th Avn, US Army.
                                                                               RAF WADDINGTON
                                                                               1/6 ZM412 Atlas C1 70 Sqn, RAF.   12/6 ZJ125/J
                                                                               Merlin HC3 845NAS, RN.  15/6 RF-36052/87 blk An-
                                                                               30B Russian AF.  21/6 ZM401 Atlas C1 70 Sqn, RAF.
                                                                               RNAS YEOVILTON
                                                                               5/6 MM62069 Falcon 50 31° St, Italian AF.
      US Army Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk s/n 89-26163 was an evening visitor to RAF Lakenheath
      on July 25.  Adrian Carver                                               Key: n/s night stop; o/s overshoot                                                                                    69   69                                                                                 01/08/2017   11:14
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