Page 24 - BBC Knowledge - October 2017 IN
P. 24


                                 DISPATCHES FROM THE CUTTING EDGE

                                                                                                      Artist’s impression
                                                                                                         of Planet Ten

              S PA C E

             Astronomers in the US have inferred the existence of an unknown ‘planetary
             mass object’ affecting the movements of space rocks in a distant asteroid belt

             I  T seems the Solar System may be a little more crowded   the Kuiper Belt in the icy outskirts of the Solar System.
                than we thought: a planet around the size of Mars could
                                                                  The Kuiper Belt lies beyond the orbit of Neptune and
                                                                extends to a few hundred Astronomical Units (AU), with
                be hidden among its outer fringes.
                  A team from the University of Arizona has discovered
                                                                  The Earth and the other major planets all orbit the Sun in
             a mysterious mass, dubbed Planet Ten, that appears to be   one AU representing the distance between Earth and the Sun.  PHOTO: HEATHER ROPER/LPL
             tugging at the orbits of a population of space rocks known as   roughly the same plane. However, Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)
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