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                                                                           64              8 EDITOR’S LETTER
                                                                                         10 SPOTLIGHT
                                                                                         12 HOLA.COM
                                                                                         18 AT HOME The creator of
                                                                                         Pokémon, Al Kahn, invites
                                                                         “ONE OF THE     us into his spectacular
                                                                           WAYS ONE      Manhattan home.
                                                                          CAN BE FREE    H! TRENDING
                                                                        FROM PAIN IS
                                                                          BY HELPING     26 ROYALS Will Meghan
                                                                                         Markle be the next royal
                                                                            OTHERS”      wedding bride?
                                                                                         30 ROYALS What does
                                                                                         Kate Middleton do every
                                                                                         time she’s pregnant?
                                                                                         32 CELEBRITIES Enrique
                                                                                         Iglesias, a natural

                                                                                         38 CELEBRITIES Famous
                                                                                         women who’ve lost their
                                                                                         parents at a young age.

                                                                                         40 COMPASSION Celebs
                                                                                         who used their fame to
                                                                                         help those most in need.
                                                                                         H! NEWS
                                                                                         45 H! NEWS The latest in
                                                                                         fashion and beauty.
                                                                                         46 BEAUTY Lisa Price and
                                                                                         her multimillion-dollar   OMAR CRUZ; GLADYS VEGA/GETTY IMAGES; UNICEF/FOUAD CHOUFANY
                                                                                         48 H! STYLE Ready 24/7.
       Hola! Made in USA (ISSN 2493-4314) Vol. 2 No. 6. Hola! Made in USA is published six times annually, (March, April, May/June, September, October/November, and December/January) by Hello & Hola Media Inc., One Metro Tech
       Center, 18th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201.  Subscription Price $19.99 per year in the U.S.  Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and additional mailing services.  Postmaster: Send Address corrections and notice of undeliverable copies
       to Hola! Made In USA, One Metro Tech Center, 18th Floor, Brooklyn NY 11201. Hola! Made in USA is a registered trademark of HOLA S.L., Brooklyn NY 11201. Materials in this issue may not be reproduced without specific permission
       from the publisher. Para información sobre su subscripción llame al (800) 241-8540. For information about your subscription call (800) 241-8541.

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