Page 19 - Photography_Week
P. 19

S      K      I     L      L      S

                        C R A S H  C O UR SE

                         ESSENTIAL PHOTO SKILLS MADE EASY


                  Even the bleakest-looking industrial landscapes can possess a raw,

                     hidden beauty, and Jason Parnell-Brookes will help you find it

          12     We’ve all experienced it: you   just not inspired to take a picture. But   help you to find the hidden beauty in a
                                                                                     landscape and bring it out.
                 rock up somewhere hoping
                                              we say shoot it! You didn’t buy your
          HOURS  to photograph a landscape,   camera just for it to sit in its bag as you   In fact, try actively hunting out bleak
                 mutter “Oh!” and put your    walk to the nearest coffee shop, so get   views. You may choose a steelworks
        camera back in the bag. Maybe the     it out and take a picture of that view   like we did, or perhaps and alleyway or
        weather is miserable or there’s building   you imagined. There’s no telling what   underpass. Whatever it is, you’ll need
        work going on – whatever it is, you’re   you’ll get until you shoot it, but we’ll   to keep a few techniques in mind…
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