Page 3 - Photography_Week
P. 3


                          FIND OUT WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE

                                                                                        NE W S

                                                                                        HASSELBLAD GOES LARGE
                                                                                        New Multi-Shot camera creates
                                                                                        400MP image from six frames

                                                                                        FE AT U R E
                                                                                        PERFECT PORTFOLIOS
                                                                                        Learn how to shoot a set of
                                                                                        professional-quality portraits

                                                                                        P H OTO S
                                                                                        Our pick of reader images
         FE AT U R E                                                                    üųŅĵƤ±ųŅƚĹÚ ƋĘå ƵŅųĬÚ

                                                                                        INSP IR AT ION
                                              INSP IR AT ION                            SMALL WATER WORLD
                                                                                        Tilt-shift drone movie makes
                                                                                        kayakers look like models

                                                                                        C R ASH C O UR SE
                                                                                        INDUSTRIAL REVELATION
                                                                                        Capture stunning images of
         P H OTO S
                                                                                        factories by day or night

         C R ASH C O UR SE                                                              P H OTO S H O P
                                                                                        MOVIE MAKEOVERS
                                                                                        Give your photos a cinematic
                                                                                        look with a few simple edits

                                              P H OTO S H O P

        GE A R

        SONY A7R III

        Sony takes the
        A7R II’s monster
        resolution and adds
        10fps burst shooting
        and improved
        autofocus – is this
        the best mirrorless
        camera we’ve seen?
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