Page 43 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 43



                                                                            Just as some people like dark meat and others like light
                                                                           meat, and some like fried chicken while others prefer chicken
                                                                           soup, consideration of the breed of chicken also needs to be
                                                                           made. There are chickens that have been specifically bred
                                                                           for certain conditions.
                                                                            Ameraucana. Harsh winters won’t slow this snow bird
                                                                           down. While it can be broody, it matures fairly quickly and also
                                                            ‹ Left: People
                                                            waiting for    produces a lot of eggs.
                                                            famine relief
                                                            in Bangalore,   Brown Leghorn. This breed is good for hot climates and is an
                                                            1877 (From     active forager. It is also a great egg-layer.
                                                            the Illustrated
                                                            London News,    Buckeye. This breed can endure cold winters and still
                                                            1877. Photo:   produce an adequate supply of eggs year round. The downside
                                                            Public Domain)
                                                                           is that it is slow to mature ... so don’t plan that chicken dinner
                                                                           for a while.
                                                                            Chanticler. This is another hardy bird that can deal with the
                                                                           cold. It is docile, produces a lot of eggs and is a good mother
                                                                           bird—with early maturing of o spring.
                                                                            Dominique. While this chicken breed won’t like the coldest
                                                                           of winters, it won’t mind a white Christmas (and it is early-
                                                                           maturing, so it would be ready for Christmas dinner).
                                                                            Egyptian Fayoumi. It might not be ideal for today’s
                                                                           Egyptian deserts, but it does like hot climates and is a good
                                                                           egg-layer. More importantly, it is disease resistant and matures
                                                                           early, so it can go from fi eld to frying pan in a season or two.
                                                                            Marans. This variety of chicken won’t worry about water
                                                                           falling from the sky. It is adaptable to a variety of conditions
                                                                           and lays a good number of eggs during the year.

                                                            ‹ Left: A
                                                            engraving by
                                                            Jost Amman of
                                                            a German-style
                                                            brewery. Thanks
                                                            to the Little Ice
                                                            Age, there was a
                                                            shift from wine
                                                            production to
                                                            beer production
                                                            in Europe.
                                                            (Photo: Public
               Brian Fagan, world historian and author of The Little Ice Age: How
               Climate Change Made History 1300-1850. “What makes everything   PHOTO: JOE MABEL/CREATIVE COMMONS
               much more complex today is the multi-million people cities on   › Right: An
               the coasts and in semi-arid lands that rely on imported food. The   Egyptian Fayoumi
               future looks bleak unless we take climate change and both water   is a good egg-layer
                                                            that can adapt to
               and food shortages seriously.”               hot climates.

                                                                                 [ASGMAG.COM]  AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE  43

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