Page 6 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 6

VOL. 6  ISSUE 10
                                                                                              Mike McCourt  Editor
                                                                                          Kelly Nomura Executive Managing Editor
                                                                                            Amy Maclean  Managing Editor
                                                                                           David A. de la Torre Jr.  Art Director
                                                                                   Joe Alton, M.D., Jerrie Barber, Dana Benner, Reuben Bolieu, Michael D'Angona,
                                                                                       Will Dabbs, M.D., Frank Phillips, Larry Schwartz, Peter Suciu,
                                        OF TRICKS                                 
                                                                                             Al J. Venter, Frank Warren
                                                                                            Gabe Frimmel Ad Sales Director
                                                                                               (714) 200-1930
                                AND TREATS                                                Casey Cli  ord Senior Account Executive
                                                                                               (714) 200-1982
                                                                                           Mark Pack Senior Account Executive
                                                                                               (714) 200-1939
                                                                                            Charles Dorr  Account Executive
                                                                                                (714) 200-1931
                                                                                            John Bartulin  Account Executive
                                                                                             (866) 866-5146 ext. 2746
                                                                                            John Cabral  Advertising Design
                                                                                           Eric Gomez  Advertising Tra  c Coordinator
                                                                                        Gennifer Merriday  Advertising Tra  c Coordinator
                          alloween is on the calendar, so   a targeted plan, dedicate specifi c resources and   MARKETING
                                                                                          Elise Portale  Content Marketing Manager
                          everyone knows it lands on the   take advantage of huge sales on the gear and   Brooke Sanders  Content Marketing Specialist
                          last day of every October. Many   goods we’ll need. The fact that most survival   Eric Surber  Content Marketing Specialist
                                                                                       Michael Chadwick  Digital Marketing & Media Coordinator
                          Americans begin planning for it   rations aren’t especially yummy and life-threat-  Andrew Dunbar  Videographer
                Hmonths, if not a year, in advance.   ening incidents aren’t fun doesn’t make this   OPERATIONS
                                                                                             Robert Short  IT Manager
                 Millions of companies allow, and some even   sort of planning exciting for a lot of people.  Parveen Kumar  Newsstand and Circulation Analyst
                                                                                         Shailesh Khandelwal  Subscriptions Manager
                encourage, their employees to decorate their   That’s why we need to do a little every day to   Alex Mendoza  Administrative Assistant
                work spaces; and many sponsor costume   ensure that when the specter of doom knocks   Victoria Van Vlear  Intern Program Manager
                and other competitions to help liven the day   on our door, we’re ready with more than a few   EDITORIAL, PRODUCTION & SALES OFFICE
                                                                                         17890 Sky Park Circle, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92614
                whose origin comes from ancient attempts   candies and a fl ashlight with dead batteries.  (714) 939-9991 • Fax: (800) 249-7761
                to ward o  bad spirits. Retailers and other   This is the trick to being prepared. Just as
                consumer-facing businesses spend lots of   Halloween participants don’t gather all their
                                                                                    AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE (ISSN 2331-8937) is published in January, Febru-
                time and money to festoon their public spaces   accoutrements and treats at one time, we need   ary, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and
                with decorative witches, ghosts, skeletons   to take incremental, but purposeful, steps to   December by Engaged Media Inc., LLC, 17890 Sky Park Circle, Suite 250, Irvine,
                                                                                       CA 92614. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO
                and other seasonal trimmings, as do count-  attain the goals we’ve set to protect ourselves   AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE, C/O ENGAGED MEDIA INC, VSI, INC.
                                                                                          905 KENT STREET, LIBERTY, MO 64068.
                less apartment-dwellers and homeowners.   and our loved ones from the dangers we feel   © 2017 by Engaged Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of
                                                                                     any material from this issue in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
                 According to a National Retail Foundation   are the most likely to come our way. Because   GST#855050365RT001. Canadian Post: Publications Mail Agreement  Pitney
                                                                                       Bowes, Inc., P.O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2, Canada
                survey from September 2016, Americans were   many of the skills and stores we need to accrue
                                                                                              CUSTOMER SERVICE
                expected to spend a record $8.48 billion on   will serve us in multiple survival scenarios, we   Engaged Media, Inc.
                                                                                         17890 Sky Park Circle, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92614
                Halloween. Almost 80 percent of the prepara-  will have the fl exibility of being able to address   Subscriptions, address changes, renewals,
                tions for this holiday were to be completed by   multiple threats with a core set of supplies and   missing or damaged copies:
                                                                                               (800) 764-6278
                the middle of October, meaning that most of   knowledge. Concentrating on those elements fi rst   (239) 653-0225 Foreign Inquiries
                the estimated 171 million participants would   will help us accelerate our level of preparedness.
                                                                                         Back issues:
                be ready well in advance of the big day.  The treat comes when you have been able to   Books, merchandise, reprints:
                                                                                          (800) 764-6278 • Foreign (239) 653-0225
                 Having a big event occur on the same day   endure hard times—maybe even truly horrifi c   Letters to the editor, new products or to contribute
                                                                                               a story or photo:
                every year is a convenient and e  cient way to   events—and be able to thrive on your own or with
                ensure as much participation and preparation   your family or survival group. While there might
                                                                                             SUBSCRIPTION RATES
                as possible. It gives its interested parties a   be a huge sense of loss and potentially unparal-  $32.95/1 year, $52.95/2 years. Outside the United States, add $32.00 per year
                                                                                         payable in U.S. funds. Single copy price is $8.99.
                specifi c target; and, because the Halloween   leled changes to your way of life, you will have a   Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for new subscriptions to begin.
                theme never changes, they all know what   profound sense of pride, validation and apprecia-
                to expect, so they’re ready when the big day   tion that your e orts resulted in the preservation
                arrives. It also doesn’t hurt that participants   of your life and the lives of those closest to you.
                consider this a fun and exciting event, and   It might not be a bucket full of chocolate
                                                                                             ENGAGED MEDIA, INC.
                most folks look forward to the prospect of   bars, an award for your Elvis costume, eye-  Mike Savino  CEO
                                                                                           Jason Mulroney  Director of Content
                getting sweet treats to help celebrate the day.  ball hors d’oeuvres or the shameless glee of   Pinaki Bhattacharya  Vertical Manager
                                                                                          Philip Trinkle  Newsstand Sales Director
                 Unfortunately, preppers don’t have the same   scaring the stu  ng out of your boss. But being   Bob Hulsy  Director of Business Development
                                                                                          Sabra Morris  Director of Content Marketing
                luxury of having a specifi c date on their calendars   able to endure a natural or manmade melt-
                                                                                     This magazine is purchased by the buyer with the understanding that
                and knowing the theme for the threat for which   down, as well as overcome the bad spirits of   information presented is from various sources from which there can be
                they’re preparing. It’s not as easy for us to make   a life-threatening event, is pretty cool, too.  no warranty or responsibility by Engaged Media Inc., as to the legality,
                                                                                           completeness or technical accuracy.
                                                                                              GST #855050365RT001
                                                                —Mike McCourt           Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608
                                                                                          Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
                                                                                     PITNEY BOWES, INC., P.O. Box 25542, London, ON  N6C 6B2, Canada
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