Page 60 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 60

TESTING YOUR GEAR             › Besides the 10
               CHOICES                       “Cs” of survival,
                                                the author
                                                uses these
                At one time or another, I’ve been in both   small items for
               “camps” mentioned above. As a student   camping and
               of the art, I came to realize that only after   survival. Most
                                               important is
               returning from a trip—whether camping,   iodine for water
               backpacking, or taking or teaching a   purification.
               class—did it became clear what I really
               needed for survival. These epiphanies
               don’t come to you if the sum total of your
               experience with your gear is reached when
               you take it out of the packaging.
                Comfort is another realm altogether;
               and, too often, outdoorsmen think comfort
               items in their kit are more important
               than the absolute necessities. I believe
               every serious outdoorsman, prepping and
               survival enthusiast, hunter and survival
               instructor should spend several nights
               in the bush with their hard-thought-
               out survival kit and see how it works in
               different situations. No two people will
               have the same stuff in their kits, especially
               if they’re in different environments.
               Survival in the jungle requires different
               gear and approaches than the desert, the
               Pacific Northwest or the southern states.
               This is most apparent regarding your
               clothing and shelter, but basic “survival
               necessities” should be similar, regardless
                                                › Opposite
               of the area you’re in.         page, top: This
                                              kit is based on
                                              the popular 10
                                               “Cs” of surviv-
               SURVIVAL                      ability—but with
                                              a few changes:
                                              The canvas sail
               SHOULD NOT BE                 needle has been
                                              substituted for
               TAKEN LIGHTLY;                 Notice two cut-
                                                cotton balls.
               PRACTICE                       containers, two
                                               ting tools, two
               SHOULD NOT                     types of cover
                                              and two types
               BE DISMISSED                     of cordage.
               YOU OWN A
               SURVIVAL KIT.

                I have camped out overnight on many
               occasions in different environments with
               only what I could fit in a small “possibles
               pouch” and a couple of tools, intent on
               being safe and staying hydrated. If you
               and your gear pass these tests, you are
               reducing your challenging situation into
               a more-familiar and less-threatening   › Right: One
               scenario: camping!             leather pouch
                                                used by the
                I helped teach a few classes in Alabama   author. It holds
               for which the students were sent out into   a small, alumi-
                                               num cup for
               the woods after basic survival training.   boiling water.


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