Page 17 - Images Retail January 2018
P. 17


                                                                                      THE TRADITIONAL
                                                                                      MODEL OF RETAIL
                                                                                      IS HERE TO STAY,
                                                                                      AND I THINK
                                                                                      THE STORY OF
                                                                                      INDIAN RETAIL
                                                                                      WILL CONTINUE
                                                                                      TO BE WRITTEN
                                                                                      AROUND BRICK-
                                                                                      AND-MORTAR IN
                                                                                      THE COMING 10
                                                                                      TO 20 YEARS

         India with our F&B brand,   here was in the toys segment,
         Bloomsbury’s along with the   ToysRUs and BabiesRUs. All
         launch of our mall in Kochi.   of these brands have one store
         At that time, we fi  gured India   operational with many more
         was at a stage where there   stores opening up in India
         was an opportunity to create   soon.
         visibility of international   LuLu exchange site is the
         brands in large numbers. We   fi nancial retailing arm for the
         also understood that Indians   group side as such. Started in
         aspired towards acquiring   2009, in Abu Dhabi, currently,
         Western brands. Keeping   we are spread over nine
         this in mind, along with F&B,   odd countries and have a
         we started building a strong   collective store count of close   followed by one store each of   brand, and it continues over a
         portfolio in other retail sectors  to around 170 plus stores.   ToyRUs, BabyRUs, SpringField  long time if the brand quality
         as well.                   Th  en there is Twenty14,   and Women’secret. By end   and service remains intact.
           We then brought Galito’s to   our asset management arm,   of this year, we are hoping   We at LuLu are a customer-
         India, a South African peri-  which essentially maintains   to add at least 10 to 15 more   focused organisation, where
         peri chicken specialty F&B   our hospitality portfolio. We   outlets collectively across   we always give the fi rst
         brand. After that we took Cold  are also currently we are   the country. We have in   preference to the viewpoint
         Stone Creamery to India, an   building two of the Marriot   the pipeline, signed leases   of the customer. We fi gure out
         ice cream brand from USA   properties in Bengaluru and   from various players starting   what they want and modify
         and then came Springfi eld,   one in Kochi. Predominately   from Delhi in the North and   the product according to the
         a Spanish apparel brand   we don’t manage these    petering down the South of   demand. Internationally, the
         which is located in over 1,000   units, these are all managed   India.       customer base and demands
         markets in 60 countries.   by third-party international                      remain same to a larger extent
           Th  e fi fth brand that we   players.            Early Setbacks &          but in India, the business was
         were associated with was                           Challenges Faced in India  a tad bit diffi  cult to establish
         Women’secret, a women’s   Expansion Plans          I think the customer demand   in the initial stages.
         essential brand with a large   Currently we have six   or the DNA of the customer as   Nonetheless, things are
         presence in the international   operational stores of Cold   such remains the same across   getting on track in India.
         market. Th  e sixth and seventh   Stone Creamery, two each   the globe. Th   ere is always a   A big chunk of the credit
         brand which we introduced   of Bloomsbury’s and Galito’s   liking towards a particular   for this goes to the present

                                                                                            JANUARY 2018 | IMAGES RETAIL | 17
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