Page 37 - p j 2018_Neat
P. 37
A Spider Den is a nest in which Spiders and Spider
Warriors spawn and live. Spiders emerge in
search of food at Dusk and return to their Dens
at dawn. The number of Spiders that live in a
Den varies depending on its size (see table below).
When a Den reaches its final stage, it evolves
into a Spider Queen. Spider Dens are surrounded
by a creep-like substance called Sticky Webbing,
which slows down anything caught in it, aside
from Spiders. Sticky Webbing will grow on any
surface except a small area around a Rabbit Hole.
SPIDER NE When attacked, Spiders and Spider Warriors
currently inside will emerge and attack. If
anything steps on the Sticky Webbing that
surrounds the Den, a few Spiders might come
out and investigate. If they do not encounter
There is no consistent relationship between anything before reaching the end of the web,
the classification of spiders and the types the Spiders will return to the Den.
of web they build: species in the same genus It takes 90 seconds for a Den to respawn a
may build very similar or significantly single spider. When a Den reaches the next
different webs. Nor is there much stage, all Spiders are renewed.
correspondence between spiders' The amount, as well as the type, of Spiders
classification and the chemical composition spawned from a Den varies depending on the
of their silks. Convergent evolution in web Den's Tier. Spider Warriors only spawn at Tier 2
construction, in other words use of similar and above. The amount of Silk dropped by
techniques by remotely related species, is destroying a Den also increases with its Tier.
rampant. Orb web designs and the spinning Tier 3 Dens will also drop Spider Eggs when
behaviors that produce them are the best destroyed, allowing new dens to be planted by
understood. the player anywhere in the world.
One of the most significant influences on vernacular architecture is the macro climate of the area in which the building is constructed. Buildings in cold climates
invariably have high thermal mass or significant amounts of insulation. They are usually sealed in order to prevent heat loss, and openings such as windows tend to be
small or non-existent. Buildings in warm climates, by contrast, tend to be constructed of lighter materials and to allow significant cross-ventilation through openings
in the fabric of the building.
Urbanization in the Arctic and sub-Arctic is an increasingly important factor for the anthropogenic
influence on the local and regional climate and ecosystems. One of the most evident and widely
documented climatological effects associated with urbanization is the urban heat island (UHI) effect,
for which urban and suburban areas are warmer than rural areas. Urban areas alter the weather and
climate, and feedbacks influence human health and energy consumption; these two aspects alone are
enough to motivate interest in UHI studies. UHIs affect the climate of cities, shift plant phenology and
develop habitats for introduced or invasive species of plants and animals. With rising global warming,
the intensity of the UHI is also likely to increase, and its effects will become more significant in the
future. Literature has revealed that the UHI effect increases with latitude. There is, however, a
significant knowledge gap, as all but a few of the studied cities have been located below 60°N latitude.
There are only a few in situ studies of the UHI effect for cities and towns above 60°N.