Page 109 - An Introduction to Laser Tattoo Removal
P. 109

Chapter 2 – Fundamentals of Laser Tattoo Removal v1.0
Adverse Reactions
With this treatment there can be some adverse reactions....
These can range from blistering, swelling or itchiness to infections and potentially scar formation. Infections are outside the control of the laser operators – such events are inevitably caused by the tattoo owners themselves, by ignoring the post-treatment advice.
Scar formation may occur for two reason:
fibrosis can occur after a severe infection if suitable medical assistance is not sought by the owner;
the application of too much laser energy can easily damage the dermis thermally leading to fibrosis as a direct consequence.
The first of the is outside the laser operator’s control, while the second is entirely their responsibility!!
The two most important factors to consider (to minimise any adverse reactions) are:
1. Use the correct fluence – too high and you will scar the dermis,
2. Infection control – ensure your patients understand how important this is.
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Chapter 2 LEVEL A Laser Tattoo Removal
© The Laser-IPL Guys, 2021

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