Page 49 - An Introduction to Laser Tattoo Removal
P. 49

Chapter 2 – Fundamentals of Laser Tattoo Removal v1.0
 Figure 24: The above represents a cross-section of skin with ink particles in the dermis. The first treatment treats the most superficial ink, which may be just below the epidermis. When the patient returns, that ink should be gone and the second treatment will tackle the next layer. This continues until all (or most) of the ink has been removed. In the case where a patient is looking for a ‘cover up’ of the original tattoo with a new tattoo, we recommend doing four treatment sessions, followed by at least three to four months, before a new tattoo is injected.
Apply cooling during and after treatments, if possible. In particular, you should apply ice packs for five to ten minutes after a treatment to draw out any excess heat from the treatment site. I know of laser operators who give their patients ice packs to use on their way home – this is probably a good idea!
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Chapter 2 LEVEL A Laser Tattoo Removal
© The Laser-IPL Guys, 2021

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