Page 83 - Chapter 3 - Laser/IPL Hair Removal
P. 83

Chapter 3 – Fundamentals of Laser/IPL Hair Removal 2nd Edition
  Figure 41 - The black boxes represent all the dead follicles following treatment. In this case, these follicles were treated at week 0 (i.e. today!).
Next, we ‘killed’ all the hairs that were in anagen phase at week 0 – these are represented by the black boxes in the image above (Figure 41).
We can see that many hairs, in fact 50%, are killed at this point – that’s because, at week 0, 50% of all the follicles were in the anagen phase (in the upper lip). Note that this assumes that the laser/IPL has been set up correctly with the most appropriate wavelength(s), fluence and pulsewidth.
It becomes immediately obvious that the next “best” time to treat this site again is 8 weeks after the first treatments because this is when ALL the follicles are back in anagen phase again (in the yellow oval)! Any treatment done before this time will not hit all the follicles, since many will be in either catagen or telogen phase.
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