Page 56 - MUM19_Auction Catalog FULL_2.27_LR
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Thank You
                       Thank You                                                                              Thank You Patrons

             Generous Vendors                                                                CANOPY PATRON                          BUTTONWOOD

             Collier Valet Services             Priority Marketing                           Patti and Marty Adams                 Jennie Cheng and Stefan Bothe
             Crave Culinaire                    Reagan Rule Photography                      Tickie and Ed Eaton                   John and Georgia DallePezze
             CRS Technology Consultants         Scott Robertson Auctioneers                  Jennifer and Richard Housh             Linda and Cass Diaz
             Grace Lakes Florist                TentLogix                                    Louise and Larry Ost                   Raynelle Heidrick
             Harmon’s Audio Visual                                                           Sharon and Dolph von Arx               Linda and Victor Grijalva
             Party Time Rental                                                               Carol and John R. Walter               Douglas Becker and Kevin Kurimsky
             Presstige Printing
             Prestigious Restrooms                                                                                                  Loralee and Ray LeBoeuf
                                                                                                                                    Betty Sue and Todd LePage
                                                                                             WHITE MANGROVE                         Maureen and Arnold Lerner
             Live Auction                                                                    Dawn and Lew Allyn                    Carol and Tom McCann

             Ingrid and Fabrizio Aielli           Robin and Scot Hamilton                    Edie Andrew                           Thelma and Edward Negley
                                                                                             Bev and Art Cherry
                                                                                                                                    RoseAnn and Bill Nunnelly
             Bloom Wine Tours                     Meghan and Jamie Houde                     Susan Regenstein and Barry Frank
             Bev and Art Cherry                   Katrina Lundmark-Kash and                  Donna and John Hall                   Chris Papadopoulos
             Kim and Phil Collins                      Rick Kash                                                                    Linda and Nick Penniman
             Cornell Vineyards                   Teri Kuhn                                   Kimberly and Kenneth Johnson           Laurie and Ric Phillips
             Susan Dalton                         Chef Sebastian Mazzotta                    Katrina and Thomas Reusche            Anne and Dave Rismiller
             Terry and Bob Edwards                Sandi and Tom Moran                        Lynne and Chip Shotwell               Wynnell Schrenk
             Tina and Aubrey Ferrao and          Tiffany & Co.                               Barbara and Larry Wilson               Patsy Schroeder
                  Fiddler’s Creek Community, LLC  Vineyard 7&8                                                                      Lynn and Ray Slabaugh
             Gamble Family Vineyards              Patricia Wagner                                                                   Patricia Swope
             Sandra and Walter Ganzi             The World                                   BLACK MANGROVE                        Susan Swope
             Valerie and Jeff Gargiulo -                                                     Marlys Bromberg                       Sharen and Gary Thomas
                  Gargiulo Vineyards                                                         Sue Dalton                            Janet and Richard Uhlig
                                                                                             Jane and James Fitzgerald              Kathy and Rodney Woods
             Most Magical Donors                                                             Jenny and Kermit Sutton
                                                                                             Myra and Van Williams

             The Art Institue of Chicago       Shedd Aquarium
             Bleu Provance                     Pamela and Roger Weston                       RED MANGROVE
             Bungalows Key Largo               The Wine Merchant                             Barbara Chur
             The Chicago Botanic Garden        Yamron Jewelers                               Carol and Henry Dinardo
             Sandra and Walter Ganzi                                                         Elaine and Dick Grant
             Maureen and Arnold Lerner                                                       Eliza and Hugh Nevin
             Lincoln Park Zoo
                                                                                             Annelise Gerry and
                                                                                                  Robert Micalizio
                                                                                             Karen and Bob Scott
             Thank you to all of our                                                         Robin and Tom Wheeler
                                                                                             Nancy White
             Silent Auction donors.

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