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Page 14          The Antique Shoppe            January, 2018
           Welcoming the New Year

                                 VINTAGE  ADVERTISING CALENDARS

           by Roy Nuhn
                                                                                                                       thousands  -sometimes in the millions-
           Calendars have always played an                                                                             of copies each year by nearly every
        important role in the everyday life of                                                                         national company doing retail trade.
        most Americans. Besides their utilitarian                                                                      They were also sold in wholesale
        value, however, people have always                                                                             quantities by such prominent suppliers
        enjoyed the interesting and colorful                                                                           as Brown & Bigelow as general
        illustrations adorning them. Lovely                                                                            stock, with personalized advertising
        women, beautiful landscapes, historical                                                                        overprinted, to local stores, shops and
        and patriotic scenes, sweet-faced                                                                              businesses in large cities and small
        children and many other themes have                                                                            towns throughout America.
        long been depicted on the monthly                                                                                They proved to be great year-long
        pages.                                                                                                         advertising since they kept the ad
           Little wonder, then, that vintage                                                                           message and the vendor’s name in front
        calendars hold strong appeal for                                                                               of the consumer.
        nostalgia buffs. Mass produced since   They came in a variety of shapes      Basically, advertising calendars    One of the largest providers of
        the middle of the Victorian era, nearly   and sizes, including die-cuts in the   break down into three types:  advertising calendars was the C.J.
        two centuries worth of these pictorial   form of butterflies, fans, flowers and   Functional: Small-sized booklets   Hood Co. of Lowell, Massachusetts.
        treasures await collectors.          other designs. The individual months   Almanac-style with all sorts of helpful   Established in 1876, the firm
           A minor by-product of Gutenberg’s   either clustered around a large, central   information for the farmer and city   manufactured a wide range of over-
        invention of                                          illustration or were   dweller alike. For a couple of decades   the-counter patent medicines, including
        movable type,                                         intermixed with     after the Civil war, drug companies, feed   their best-selling sarsaparilla. Hood’s
        the first printed                                     several pictorials.   and grain stores, insurance agencies,   “Calendar Girl” concept was a national
        calendar was an                                       Thicker paper stock   and the railroads distributed functional   favorite.
        effort by a Vienna                                    was often used and   calendars as free handouts.           The calendars were part of the
        University professor,                                 many had folds, so    Wall: Includes the regular, traditional   company’s giant giveaway program
        Johannes de                                           they could stand up   format with four to twelve pages; also,   which also offered album cards and
        Gamundia, in 1472.                                    on counter tops.    the card size with a hole in the top   pictorial story books for boys and
        His calendar had                                        Along with trade   center for easy hanging on a nail on the   girls. From 1891 to the early 1920s,
        12 narrow, vertical                                   cards, ink blotters,   wall. These two styles were faraway the   Hood gave away more than five million
        columns - one for                                     souvenir postcards,   norm from the 1890s to the late 1930s.  calendars every year.
        each month - with                                     children’s booklets   Multi-folded: To be stood up. By     Also, heavily involved were Swift, the
        the individual days                                   and paper play      1900 this format had significantly faded   ham and bacon folks, and Chicago-based
        enhanced with                                         toys, calendars     in popularity.                       N.K. Fairbanks Co. for its Fairy brand
        religious references.                                 were one of the       Advertising giveaways by the nation’s   bar soap. Each year these and other
           Nearly three                                       great advertising   manufacturers and service industries,   firms advertised their free advertising
        centuries later, here                                 giveaways of the    as well as local merchants, began    calendars - sometimes a product
        in colonial America,                                  late 19th and early   in earnest with the 1876 centennial   wrapper or two was required - in the
        the great scientific                                  20th centuries.     Exposition in Philadelphia, which    December and January editions of the
        innovator and                                           Advertised was    celebrated American’s 100th birthday.   nation’s magazines, such as Collier’s and
        patriot, Benjamin                                     everything from     Fairgoers were offered hundreds, if not   The Youth’s Companion.
        Franklin, introduced                                  patent medicine     thousands, of all types of advertising-  On the local level, banks, pharmacies
        the modern version                                    and all types of    laden freebies, including a few      and insurance agents were among
        of the calendar in                                    food products       calendars, even though the year had   the greatest users of calendars for
        the 1750s editions                                    to cosmetics,       begun a few months earlier.          advertising. They were circulated to
        of his iconic Poor                                    household items       Calendars were published and       current and prospective customers.
        Richard’s Almanac.                                    like soap, and      distributed in the hundreds of                      Continued on Page 17
           Then came                                          farming equipment,
        the Industrial                                        as well as rifles,
        Revolution and the                                    ammunition and
        emergence of a truly                                  clothing for the
        national economy.                                     hunter. Hardy
        The ordinary       Page from a general stock 1949 calendar   anything used in
        calendar was        with local advertising by a West Coast   the daily routine
        changed forever.           appliance wholesaler.      of life, as well as
        It now became                                         for its pleasures,
        almost solely an advertising medium   escaped being promoted on a calendar.
        and remained that way for several      Calendars were similar to trade
        generations. It quickly developed into   cards and tobacco cards of the 19th
        an effective tool in many companies’   century in their diversity of lithographic
        advertising strategy.                illustrations. There was heavy emphasis
           On a general basis, Victorian-era   on beautiful women, adorable children
        calendars were unlike today’s wall types.   and some patriotics. But little portrayal   Ink  blotter used for month-by-month local advertising. Popular cartoon character
        Most were small and quite delicate and   of sports - an indication perhaps of the      “Gran’pop,” a chimp cavorts on this January 1945 entry.
        offered the whole year on a single sheet.   main appeal being to housewives.  Above: Die-cut, fan-shaped format with advertising by Gold Dust Soap (1880s/90s.)
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