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Page 26          The Antique Shoppe           May, 2018
                                     Poison the Rat & Other Arcade Games of WWII

                                   by Larry LeMasters
                                   LeMasters’ Antique News Service

                                      During the late 1930s and all of the war years of   One of the most popular counter-top arcade
                                   World War II, Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Company    games of the early1940s was “Poison the Rat.”
                                   of the USA provided Americans with counter-top   This Groetchen game depicted Adolf Hitler, and
                                   amusement in the form of penny arcade games.    a player tried to “Poison” Hitler (the “Rat) by
                                      Penny arcade games were popular since for   placing a steel pinball into his mouth as his head
                                   the mere price of 1¢, a customer could obtain   tilted left and right.  Five plays for a penny and
                                   a gumball and try to win a pack of cigarettes at   the machine dispensed a gumball to all losers.
                                   the same time.  No one was a loser, and some   Today, this  1¢ game  is considered  one  of the
                                   happy players literally smoked their way all the   rarest Groetchen games,  making  it  highly  desired, and it is valued  at  nearly
                                   way home.  In 1940, the                             $10,000.
        average price of a pack of cigarettes was 10¢ ($1.70 in                           Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. made 76 counter-top arcade games during
        2017 prices), so the gamble of a penny might bring 10-                         the 1930s and ‘40s.  Some of the games included Smack-A-Jap, Kill the
        fold return.                                                                   Jap (1943), Champion, Wings, Dial-it, Liberty Bell, Zoom, Liberty, Sparks
           Part of the appeal of playing arcade games was their                                             Champion, Poison the Rat, Liberty Sports Parade,
        location—most often they were set up in bars and taverns                                            and Skill Shot.
        where 1¢ pieces rained like pennies from heaven when                                                   For more information on WWII arcade games,
        one was drinking.   Another large part  of their  appeal                                            check out VAPS—Vintage Arcade Preservation
        was their anti-Axis powers (Japan, Germany, and Italy)                                              Society at
        WWII propaganda.
        Above: “Poison the Rat” allowed Americans to slip a poison                                                Above: Imp arcade game manufactured by
        pill (steel ball) into Hitler’s mouth.  It only cost 1¢ for five                                                          Groetchen Tool and Mfg.
        poison pills. In good condition, “Poison the Rat” is valued at                                                         This game is valued at $350.
                                                                                                             Left: “Kill a Jap” counter-top arcade game by
            Right: “Yankee” counter-top arcade game, circa 1941-49,                                          Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co.  This game was quite
                     made by the Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co.  Metal plate on machine reads,
                    “Your coin buys ball of gum for your AMUSEMENT line up three of a kind                   popular during WWII and is still popular with
                                     and obtain 1 PACK OF CIGARETTES any 15¢ brand.”                         collectors.  It is valued at $900.

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