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August, 2019   The Antique Shoppe   Page 9
        Some of the cabinets, like                                                   This looks like an average quality sideboard from the   patented devices under
        the  96  in.  tall Champion,                                                 Depression era. Surprisingly this sideboard is really a   the  Extensol  name  and
        concealed  full  size beds                                                      cabinet bed ready for a good  night’s sleep.  was  sometimes  called  the
        that simply  folded  down.                                                                                             “Expand O Matic” line. The
        Others like the “New York                                                                                              table started with a cabinet
        No.2”  had  hinged bed                                                                                                 frame  like  a china  cabinet.
        frames folded inside which                                                                                             One drawer  pulled  out  to
        greatly reduced the size of                                                                                            reveal a set of runners that
        the cabinet and the cost of                                                                                            collapsed into the cabinet.
        the  bed. These  beds are                                                                                              The drawer also pulled out
        not to be confused with the                                                                                            what appeared to be part
        Murphy  bed.  One version                                                                                              of the frame of the cabinet
        of the Murphy, patented in                                                                                             that  functioned  as  legs
        1918, pivoted on the door                                                                                              for one end of  the table.
        jamb of a closet and then                                                                                              When the drawer was fully
        lowered into sleeping position. The 1902 Sears catalog featured what it called                                         extended  on  the slides,
        the “mantel bed.” It looked like a mantelpiece that had a curtain lulled over the                                      leaves were put  in  place
        fireplace. Pulling back the curtain revealed a single bed lying on its side that                                       and a dining table grew out
        could folded out from the wall. It offered this little harlequin treasure for $7.95.  of a china cabinet. Most of these tables were made in the 1950s and 1960s.
           One of the most ingenious of the harlequin beds came from the United Table-  Look  around  your  house  or  shop  and  see  how  many  pieces  of  harlequin
        Bed Company of Chicago in the 1920s. Looking like a normal dining table from   furniture you can find.
        the front, the top opened and swung back to become a headboard. The apron
                                                                                    Send your comments, questions and pictures to me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or email them
        leaves and legs then extended to form the bed frame. Another version looked   to me at
        like a small server or sideboard.  The top opened up like that of a spinet desk to   Visit Fred’s website and check out the downloadable “Common Sense
        reveal a folded bedstead inside.                                          Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now available for
                                                                                  $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send check or money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River,
           Another manufacturer reversed the Ta-Bed philosophy and used a harlequin   FL 34423
        cabinet to  conceal a dining  table.  Saginaw Furniture Shops operated out  of   Fred and Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H)
        Sparta,  MI  making  “novelty”  furniture  in  the  Depression  era  of  the  1930s.   are also available at the same address. For more information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F
                                                                                  only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail
        After 1946 they made cabinets with built in extension tables using T.E. McFall’s   All items are also available directly from the website,

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                                                                                                                             Ellenton, FL 34222
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         Come visit our shop featuring furniture,   Mon.-Sat. 10-5 • Sun. 12-5
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                6441 U.S. Highway 19                             #1 Antique Mall
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                                                            Nominee Manatee Co.
                 Terra Ceia, FL 34250                      Small Business of the Year
              Hours:  Tue – Sat  10-5  5       We carry Howard Woodcare Products  6
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