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Page 18 The Antique Shoppe February, 2019
By Larry LeMasters
LeMasters’ Antique News Service
E. Rosen Company, also known as School House plastic containers for a match made in candy heaven. To save a fortune in retooling, Rosen used the same
Candy, of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, was once one of Hard plastic Valentine containers are characteristic molds for all of the holiday seasons by simply changing
the largest candy manufacturers in the United States, of the 1950s since the ‘50s proved to be the first the color of the plastic— red/white for Valentine’s
employing over 400 people at its peak. Today, collectors “plastic” decade in America. The most popular Day, orange/black for Halloween, and red/green for
know Rosen for its many Valentine related items, such years for these plastic candy containers were 1952- Christmas.
as Valentine Lollipop Cards and hard plastic Valentine 58; however, Rosen continued manufacturing these Rosen’s small, plastic candy containers sold for
candy holders. containers well into the 1960s. Plastic injection 15¢ or less in the 1950s, making them affordable to
The E. Rosen Company also owned Rosbro Plastics molds make Valentine containers relatively easy and the poorest of children, and the containers were given
Company, which manufactured whimsical plastic inexpensive to manufacture and, therefore, relatively as gifts by students, friends, parents, and teachers on
containers, such as Rosen’s Valentine candy holders, inexpensive to purchase in America’s Five & Dime Valentine’s Day, so, literally, tens of thousands of these
so Rosen partnered its hard candy with Rosbro’s hard stores, such as Kresge’s, Woolworth’s, and McCrory’s. containers were sold every February.
Two very popular Rosen Valentine Most 1950s mothers winced when As nodders come and go, Rosen’s
containers were “Be Mine” Boy and “To receiving the Rosen “Look “Gay Nineties” nodder with up-
My Love” Girl. Made of hard white Mom, No Hands” Valentine turned mustache, candy can walking
plastic with red hearts and highlights, candy container. With a stick, and carrying a large red heart
these adorable containers sell in the blue-capped “Teenage Boy” clearly is the collector’s
range of $20-$40 today. One driving the car with both hands favorite.
of the most expensive Rosen waving in the air, mothers thought
Valentine containers this container represented their
is the “I’m Cookin’ worst nightmares— reckless and
With Gas” car that careless teenage drivers. Today,
is driven by Rosen’s these whimsical Valentine containers
“Teenage Girl” with sell for $130 or more.
heart sweater. Rosen/Rosbro Companies produced several In good to mint
Sometimes, as a other hard plastic Valentine candy containers, condition, this nodder
replacement for a lost such as their solid red “Cannon” container, circa has sold for as much as
teenage girl, collectors 1956, that is offered for as much as $75 on eBay. $275.
place Rosen’s bow- This cannon was a favorite with 1950s boys since Festive, bright
legged cowboy with they could eat the candy and then play “Army” colors help make Rosen
lariat and pistol in the with the cannon. Valentine containers hot,
driver’s seat. Novice 50-year-old collectibles.
collectors should be aware that the “Cowboy” Collectors love the fact
is considered a Rosen Valentine hard plastic that Rosen containers are
container; however, the cowboy charming and plentiful, so
was never meant to drive finding them is easy. If you
the car. want a good deal on one,
Rosen’s most try looking for them at
popular 1950s Valentine estate sales since some of
candy containers were its these containers found
Valentine nodders. Rosen their way into girls’ hope
nodder candy containers are considered “rare,” and chests where they were
their prices reflect this. Nearly all of these containers treasured as the things
are valued in the $150-190 range, making them that dreams of love
cute and expensive. All of these nodders came on are made of.
wheels, so they were fun to play with
and appealing to look at, making
The “Cowboy and Western Horse,” them perfect collectibles.
decked out in bright white, red, and A few of Rosen’s nodders to
black coloring was produced in the watch for include “Girl with
1950s and sold as a Rosen lollipop Umbrella.” She is, of course, made
holder. of hard plastic and carries a heart-
Today, a “Cowboy and Western shaped umbrella and has a
Horse” candy container, in good heart-lined dress.
condition, sells for well over Rosen’s “Delivery Boy”
$100. Also, in good nodder sold on eBay for
condition, an “I’m Cookin’ $300 in January 2016.
With Gas” car and teenage This Valentine’s
girl driver sells for around Day candy
$120 while the cowboy container carries
alone is valued at $55. a heart and had
28 bidders vying
for it at auction.