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January, 2020  The Antique Shoppe   Page 29
                                               SOME GUIDELINES FOR DATING

                                     ANTIQUE WROUGHT IRON IMPLEMENTS

        By: Vern Ward

        A brief history of iron...                                                infrastructure such as bridges and   red rust that is relatively easy to
           Iron should be                                                         rails for facilitating the westward   clean with no damage to the piece.
        awarded the medal                                                               expansion. This advance was    These differences are mostly due
        for having the most                                                             brought about by the rapid     to the extended amount of hand
        influence over the                                                              growth of the technology of    forging on the older piece.
        development of the                                                              iron and steel making in the     The basic iron stock used is
        human race over the                                                             19th century.                  also useful as a clue to the age of
        longest period of time.                                                                 With the rapid growth   a given piece. Wrought iron bars
           It began its’ influence on history   Toaster - Mid 19th Century                   of technology, cast       were manufactured by running
        as far back as 2500 B. C. E.                                                         iron began to gain favor   sheet meta thru a slitting roller
        (Before Current Era = B. C.)                                              over wrought iron and as time        which cut the sheet into various
        when the smelting of iron            and into the 19th century. This is   went on, the production of           sized square cross-section rods
        ore was discovered.                  true of many advances, but some      wrought iron gradually decreased     that were then hammered into
        Iron artifacts from                  evidence                                                until 1970,       round stock as needed. The
        this early period, mostly swords     exists that                                             when full scale   earliest rolling mills reduced
        and knives, have been found made     advanced                                                production        bars of iron to plates of iron that
        from meteorite iron. So the original   methods                                               of wrought        were then processed by slitting
        elemental iron was supplied from     existed much                                            iron was          mills which produced the square
        space and was naturally extremely    earlier than                                            completely        iron rods. This technology was
        scarce, so the only individuals      anyone had                                              supplanted        introduced to England from
        who could afford to possess          supposed. An                                            by mild steel,    Belgium in 1590.
        these artifacts were pharaohs and    outstanding                                             which is often      The process of extruding metals
        others of equivalent stature. For    example of                                              marketed as       was introduced in the 1820s but
        the average subject, the Bronze      this early                                              “wrought          did not become widespread for
        Age continued unabated until         advanced                                                iron,” and        iron and steel until 1894. As a
        approximately 1200 B.C.*             technology                                              although          result, wrought iron implements
           It appears that the evolution     is the Iron                                             similar, is       consisting of round stock are most
        of iron smelting may have begun      Pillar of                                               not equivalent.   likely a product of the late 19th
        independently, historical records    Delhi which
        being sketchy or non existent.       is 23 feet
        The early smelting of iron ore       8 inches                                                    Spatula & Dipper
        began slowly, as the product was     high and 16              Wax Jack                               C. 1850
        devoid of carbon and thus when       inches in                C. 1800
        out of the furnace was a spongy      diameter.
        mass that for years was regarded     This pillar
        as useless. Once it was recognized   was constructed of iron around           Suggestions For
        that further hammering would         400 A.D and has resisted              Dating Wrought Iron
        reduce many of the impurities        extensive corrosion for over 1600            Utensils
        remaining, thus making the iron      years!                                 First, when assessing
        more ductile, the science of           With the advent of the             the age of a wrought iron
        metallurgy could take the next       Industrial Revolution, iron          utensil, you must get
        step.                                rapidly expanded as a primary        hands on. Once you have
           Up until the time when it was     material used in architecture and    handled numerous pieces,             century, while implements made
        discovered that the addition of a                                         the simple feel of the metal will tell   from square stock hammered round
        small amount of carbon to the flux                                        you a lot about the quality of the iron   most likely date from early in the
        would produce a wrought iron                                              which is a major clue as to its’ age.   19th century to the last quarter.
                                                                                  A smooth, somewhat silky feel is
        that could be worked into durable                                         characteristic of early utensils as the   The next clue to age is the
        tools and weapons, iron was                                               repeated hammering in shaping the    method of joining the various
        primarily used for ornaments and                                          parts also further purifies the iron and   pieces of an implement together.
        implements not subjected to wear                                          homogenizes its’ structure.          Methods used on older artifacts
        or stress. Even though iron was                                             The repeated forging of the iron   were forge welding, soft iron
        known and even smelted during                                             is also reflected in how oxidation   rivets hammered flat or copper
        the latter part of the Bronze Age,                                        appears on the metal. Wrought        rivets also hammered flat. More
        it did not compare to bronze in                                           iron and mild steel tend to develop   recent techniques utilize round
        hardness or strength.                                                     scaly rust of a deep reddish brown   headed copper or iron rivets
           It has been assumed that the                                           color, while older wrought iron      and modern welding or brazing
        science of metallurgy didn’t reach                                        that has been repeatedly hand        techniques.
        its’ apex until the late 18th century         Cast Iron Grain Box Hinges  forged will exhibit a fine-grained,                   Continued on Page 32
                                                              C. 1890
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