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February, 2017          The Antique Shoppe          Page 29
                                                      BOWLING COLLECTIBLES

        By: Jeff Figler

          I recently read that a 95-year old man rolled a 300 game, a   In the United States, the popularity of bowling increased   For example, the bowling ball and bag that were used by
        perfect score. That was incredible in itself, but it was his tenth   tremendously in the 1800s, and bowling clubs were common.   Carroll O’Connor in his role as Archie Bunker in the immensely
        perfect game. That news piece brought back       In 1895, the American Bowling Congress was formed for men,   popular “All in the Family” television show were auctioned.
        memories of my futile attempts when I was        and in 1917 the Women’s International Bowling Congress was   The ball is actually monogrammed with the initials “A.B.”. The
        much younger to even get half that               started.                                         items sold for nearly $1500.
        score. However, I do remember                       Bowling balls, which has been made of very hard wood,   Not surprisingly, baseball great Stan Musial of the St. Louis
        rolling around a 167 once or                      started to be made of rubber. In 1914, the Brunswick   Cardinals got into the act himself. As St. Louis was regarded
        twice, and saying to myself that                  Corporation marketed the mineralite ball made of rubber.   as the bowling capital for many years, undoubtedly Musial
        I would never score that high                       Finally, in 1951, the American Machine and Foundry   hung around with some of the great bowlers on teams often
        again. I was right.                               Company (AMF) acquired the patent rights to the automatic   sponsored by Budweiser. Musial’s bowling bag naturally had
          But I must admit that bowling                              pinspotter. However, what really brought   the Cardinals logo bird mowing down bowling pins. In a 2013
        is indeed an activity (sport,                                   bowling to American households was the   Heritage auction the bag went for almost $1600.
        game) for the entire family,                                     advent of none other than television.   But none other than Babe Ruth tried his hand at bowling as
        and for all ages. Just stick your                                   NBC first started televising   well. This is evidenced by a bowling scorecard that he signed.
        fingers through the holes and                                     “Championship Bowling”, which   The scorecard clearly shows that he rolled games of 196 and
        let the ball fly. Of course, if you                               was followed by “Make That Spare”,   191. Not bad for anyone. Actually, the scorecard was signed
        have long fingernails you need to                                 “Celebrity Bowling”, as well as “Bowling   three times by Ruth, and sold for $2629.
        be particularly careful that you don’t                            For Dollars”. In 1961, ABC began   Bowling is certainly a game for everyone, except maybe for
        break them.                          Archie Bunker’s             televising Pro Bowlers Association (PBA)   those who have long fingernails.
          But how did such a popular sport       Bag & Ball            competition.                           Jeff Figler, one of the world’s leading experts on collectibles,
        originate? Who came up with the idea of the activity that has   Bowlers such as Don Carter, Dick Weber   has authored over 600 published articles, and six books
        evolved through the years that we nowadays know as bowling.  (and later his son Pete), and Billy Welu, among others,   on collecting. He is currently a columnist for several
          Well, the answer is not known. In the 1930s, a British   were seen on television by millions of Americans,   magazines, including Sports Business Journal, Sports
        anthropologist Sir Flinders Petrie                                and Chris Schenkel                     Collectors Digest, Collectors Journal, and others.
        discovered some objects in an Egyptian                            broadcasting talent                      His latest book, Picker’s Pocket Guide to Baseball
        grave that resembled a crude form of                              became known.                             Memorabilia by Krause Publications, was released
        bowling. So possibly the Egyptian started                           It is estimated that                     December 2014. You can contact Jeff at info@
        bowling. However, there is evidence                               approximately 95                  or by visiting his website
        that some form of bowling was played in                           million people enjoy              
        England in the 1300s during the reign of                          bowling in about 90
        King Edward III, and later when King Henry                        countries across the
        VIII ruled.                                                       world. Nowadays
          Most likely, English, German, and Dutch                         there is worldwide
        settlers brought some kind of bowling to                          competition under
        America. The author Washington Irving                             the auspices of the
        mentioned that Rip Van Winkle awake                               Federation Nationale des
        to the sound of “crashing ninepins”. New                          Quilleurs (FIQ).
        York City’s Battery area was probably the                           Collectors have been
        location of the country’s first lawn bowling.                     quick to look for bowling
        That area in New York City, now called   Babe Ruth signed score card  collectibles as well, notably of
        Bowling Green, is in the financial area.                          celebrities.

                                                                                                                 Q.  I found this old washboard in my
            Questions & Answers                                                                                family’s old farm house attic. What is
                                                                                                               unusual  is the fact that the washboard
                                                                                                               part is made of  rippled glass. On  the
                                            by Anne Gilbert                                                    wood top it is printed “Atlantic, No. 510,
                                                                                                               National Washboard, Chicago, Memphis.
                                                                                                               “On  the glass it is engraved  “National.”
                                                                                                               What is the age and value if any?
                                                                                                                                — J.T.C. -  DesMoines, IA
           Q.   This   beautiful   cut    glass
        punch bowl on a matching stand                                                                           A.   Washboards     were     made    in
        is  considered  an  heirloom in  our                                                                   many  materials  over  the  years.  Even
        family. It is always brought out only                                                                  potteries  such as  Bennington made
        for the Christmas holidays for punch.                                                                  washboards in the 19th century, as did
        It is signed  “Hawkes” and  is around                                                                  others.  Beginning in the 19th  century
        14” high and  15” diameter.  Can you                                                                   washboards took on an interesting new
        tell  me something about it and an                                                                     look with the use of colorful advertising
        insurance value?                                                          filling the space above the soap tray. By the end of WWII, they were
                               — B.J. - Lancaster, PA                             made of glass, wood and ribbed glass, to mention a few materials.
                                                                                  Yours was probably made in the 1940s and could sell to one of the
           A.  What a wonderful  heirloom                                         many washboard collectors for $70 or more.
        !  It  is  one  of  the  finest  examples  of
        brilliant, cut glass, made  in 1890-
        1900  by  master  glassmaker  Thomas                                        Do you have an antique item and need more information? For a personal reply,
        Hawkes. It is the  Kensington pattern,  one of  the many patterns          send a photo, history, size, any signatures with self-addressed, stamped envelope
        of American pattern cut glass made during this period. You could                and $25 to: Ann Gilbert-Strawbridge, 1811 Renaissance Commons Blvd.,
                                                                                                            Boynton Bch, FL 33263
        insure it for $2,000 or more.
                               Q.  I recently  inherited my grandmothers  doll  house         A.  In 1931  the Strombecker Company, in Moline, Ill.
                            that I believe dates from the 1930s, 40s. It still has some of   Began  making solid  walnut,  1” scale, dollhouse furniture.
                            the furniture. Many of  the pieces are wood and marked          At the same time Germany was making quality, mahogany
                            “Strombecker.“  This armchair, however, looks to be             dollhouse furniture, such as your Windsor type armchair,
                            handmade and is marked “Germany.” What can you tell me          up  to World War  II. It and other such pieces  could sell
                            about “Strombecker” and the armchair? Any idea of value?        for  $50 or more. The Strombecker  pieces, made  in large
                                                      — T. E. - Ft. Lauderdale, FL          quantities are modestly priced. They sell  for  from $10
                                                                                            to $30 depending  on the piece. There are thousands of
                                                                                            collectors and special shows year ‘round.
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