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April, 2017          The Antique Shoppe          Page 25
                  Passover Seder Plates                                            produced plates available.
                                                                                        Today, collectors seek antique and vintage Seder plates as
                  Make Your Heart Kvell                                            both religious artifacts and as beautiful, decorative plates to
                                                                                   hang on walls.  There is no average price or range for Seder
        By Larry LeMasters                                                         plates, so it is truly a “buy what you like” market since you many
                                                                                   never be able to resell the plates.
        LeMasters’ Antique News Service                                                    Some famous companies have manufactured Seder
                                                                                             plates, including Ridgways England and Limoges
             Seder plates are used during the Passover                                           France; however, some collectors prefer hand-
        Seder, which was Jesus’ Last Supper, and hold                                               made Seder plates, especially ceramic or metal
        symbolic Jewish foods, making these plates                                                    ones that were made for a particular family,
        interesting collectibles.  The traditional                                                     making the plate one-of-a-kind.
        items on the Seder Plate are Maror — bitter                                                           Regardless of why you collect Seder
        herbs, Chazeret -- a second bitter herb,                                                          plates, gazing at your collection, recalling
        Charoset — a mixture of chopped nuts,                                                             Moses and his epic encounter with God,
        grated apples, cinnamon, and sweet                                                                 will make your heart kvell.
        red wine, Karpas — a vegetable, Z’roa                                                                   Yes, I could tell you what kvell means,
        — a lamb shankbone, and Beitzah — a                                                                but then you would not get to look it up
        roasted hard-boiled egg.  Jewish people                                                            for yourself.  It’s Yiddish.
        celebrate Passover as a commemoration
        of Moses freeing the Israelite                                                                                          SHOWN:  Top- Vintage,
        slaves in Egypt and the Israelites                                                                                      large and heavy Andreas
        40 year wandering to find the                                                                                           Meyer hand-made glass
        Promised Land.  Passover                                                                                                Jewish Passover Seder
        Seder Meals have been                                                                                                   plate; $150.
        celebrated for about                                                                                                    Far L- Vintage, porcelain
        3,500 years in one form                                                                                                 Passover Seder plate
        or another.                                                                                                             made in Italy: $180.
             No one knows                                                                                                       Bottom Center- Vintage
        when collectible                                                                                                        Seder plate made of
                                                                                                                                brass and enamel; $120.
        Seder plates came into
        existence, but they                                              have                                                   R- Rare, 1923 Seder
                                                                                                                                late manufactured by
        certainly been around                                           since                                                   “Ridgways England;”
        the mid-1800s when                                             the                                                      $1,600.
        Industrial Revolution                                            hit
        England, making mass-
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