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Page 34          The Antique Shoppe          April, 2017                      Q.    When cleaning  out  my  late  grandmother’s
          Questions & Answers                                                     estate I found five, folded Chinese paper lanterns.

                                                                                  When I lifted them by a wire handle, they unfolded
                                                                                  revealing  beautiful,  hand  painted  floral  designs.
                                                 by Anne Gilbert                  Inside are tiny metal candle holders. The lanterns
                                                                                  are  in  colorful  yellows,  pink,  green,  blue.  On
                                                                                  the bottom are silk tassels. Inside the cardboard
        Do you have an antique item and need more information? For a personal reply, send a photo,
        history, size, any signatures with self-addressed, stamped envelope and $25 to: Ann Gilbert-  bottom is printed “China.” When open they are 9”
        Strawbridge, 1811 Renaissance Commons Blvd., Boynton Bch, FL 33263        long. No damage. Any idea of age and value?
                                                                                           —B.J., Dallas, TX
        Q.  I bought this adorable, pottery bunny figurine that I think is a      A.  You are just in time for the Chinese, February Festival of Lights.
        paperweight. It is around three inches high and in good condition. No
        chips. On the bottom it is marked 6160  and what look like flames         Historically, paper lanterns originated in the Han dynasty, (225 AD)
        surrounding reversed initials RP. Who made it, age and value? I paid      used  as lamps, till the invention of electric lights. They became popular
        $10.                                                                      decorations in America in the early 20th century. A good example was
                  —T.C., Lancaster, PA                                            the 1955 movie “Picnic” showed their use. There are collectors who
                                                                                  would pay $50 or more, each.
        A.  Your bunny paperweight was made by Rookwood Pottery.
        The clue to the age is the number of flames surrounding                   Q.  My late grandmother is remembered in our family for the wonderful
        the reversed RP (standing for Rookwood Pottery.)                          meals she prepared. She credited them to her ever growing cookbook
        It was made in the 1930s. It is one of the many                           collection dating back to the 1920s. Included in the collection were
                                                                                  paper booklets and pamphlets with recipes and
        types of figurines made by the Company, and
        reproduced over the years.                                                menus, often created by food companies. Any idea
             The pottery was established                                          about this paper menu booklet published in the
        in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1879 by                                            1920s by “Woman’s World Magazine Co.,Inc.,
        Maria Longworth. It produced                                              Chicago, Ill”?           —D. C., Wilmette, Illinois
        not only museum quality pieces                                            A. Your pamphlet offers a history of what was new
        but an assembly line technique                                            and popular at the time. For instance, in the 1930s,
        for inexpensive mass made pieces                                          no luncheon was complete without Jello. The next
        such as yours. The good news is your                                      generation found the recipes out of fashion and
        vintage paperweight can sell in a retail                                  usually trashed the pamphlets and booklets. These
        setting for over $200.                                                    days collectors love them. Yours, even with condition issues could sell to
                                                                                  a collector for $50.00 or more.

                     Oviedo Antique Mall
                             95 Geneva Drive                                                   Echoes of Yesterday

                            Oviedo, FL 32765
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                   Stop in all month long and check out our amazing sales.
            Just arrived large selections of antiquarian books, Lladro figurines,                
                       Lalique crystal and Highwaymen paintings.
                    Furniture deliveries available at reasonable prices                                                                              3

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                                Announcing the addition of a new
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                                    Make Downtown Oviedo
                                Your All Day Antique Destination!
                                2 Antique shops (25,000 Sq. Ft.) & A Thrift Store
                                     within easy walking distance.
                                                                     We stock Maison Blanche
                                                                          Paints & Products
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