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                                                                                  keeper of the outside garments on the inside of the house. But the
                            COMMON SENSE                                          limited number of hooks, usually six or so, arranged around the mirror
                                                                                  demonstrate that this was not an annex to the coat closet for long term
         ANTIQUES                                                                 storage. This was simply a stopping point for those outer garments in
                                                                                    The mirror was used extensively throughout better Victorian homes
                                                    By Fred Taylor                and reflected the cultural fixation with personal appearance. It was

                                                                                  appropriately placed in the hall to insure a proper appearance for entry to
                                                                                  the inside. Some hall stands had one more feature, the shelf or table for
                   SPECIALTY FURNITURE                                            gloves, books or a card receiver.
                                                                                    Hall stands reached their zenith in the Renaissance Revival style
                                 Wait In The Hall                                 of the 1870s. The importance of a good first impression translated

                                                                                  to size in a hall stand and the Renaissance period offered a very nice
           The 19th century in the United States started out as period of major   arrangement of size, convenience and opulence for the Victorian well
        political strife with little attention to the development of furniture. Sure,   to do at the beginning of the fourth quarter of the century. Hall stands
        there was the Federal period and the Empire period but those were         of the style, as well as other furniture of the period, made by Berkey &
        more adaptations to style than innovation in                                                     Gay of Grand Rapids can be seen in Late 19th
        form. There were other things to worry about.                                                    Century Furniture by Berkey & Gay, published
        There was the War of 1812. Then there was the                                                    by Schiffer. By the late part of the century the
        Mexican War followed by the Civil War.                                                           “Golden Oak” period was dawning and the
            After the Civil War things settled down a                                                    elegance of the Renaissance, as well as the
        bit and the population turned inward to social                                                   importance of the hall stand, were beginning to
        status and function. This was the high Victorian                                                 fade. By 1920 the hall stand was all but gone,
        period and one of the primary considerations                                                     replaced by a common coat rack in the corner
        in all subjects was the topic of gender. The                                                     by the front door.
        urbanization of much of the country no longer                                                        But the hall had another function. In addition
        required primary emphasis on agricultural skills                                                 to being the transition area it was also the
        from many of the inhabitants and new role                                                        waiting area. One had to be invited into the
        models and social functions developed because                                                    interior of the house by a resident of appropriate
        of the shift.                                                                                    rank. While it was important to be polite to
           In proper Victorian society the world was                                                     anyone, regardless of rank, there was a definite
        divided into two parts, male and female                                                          seating priority. Persons of equal or greater
        and each gender was assigned a space. The                                                        social ranking than the owner of the house were
        outside world belonged to the men. It was the                                                    invited in immediately. Those of lower rank,
        place where commerce was conducted, work                                                         especially delivery people and messengers,
        was carried out and money was made and                                                           were not invited in and waited in the hall.
        exchanged. The inside, the interior of the house,                                                It was incumbent on the owner to provide
        belonged to the women. This is where food was                                                    seating, but it was not required that the seating
        prepared, children were born and reared, and                                                     be comfortable. They wouldn’t be there that
        personal items were cared for and stored. With                                                   long. Thus, hall seating took on an especially
        two such radically different areas of operation,                                                 austere look with flat straight wooden chairs or
        the transition from one domain to the next could                                                 stools with no padding or the hard plank seat
        surely be traumatic, almost to be considered an                                                  sometimes incorporated into the hall stand.
        intrusion by the principal of the area entered.                                                      For more information about quaint Victorian
           That is where the concept of the foyer or hall   This elaborately carved Eastlake hall stand of the 1880s   customs regarding gender and lifestyle look at
        came into play in Victorian house design. This    provides six coat hooks, two umbrella stands, a storage   Death in the Dining Room and Other Tales of
                                                          drawer and an appropriately hard, uncomfortable seat.
        was neutral territory. It didn’t really belong in          (Wooden Nickel Auction photo)         Victorian Culture by Kenneth Ames, published
        either gender’s domain or was used to prepare                                                    by Temple University Press. Ames is Chief
        for entry into the next area. Outdoor coats had                                                  of Historical and Anthropological Surveys of
        to be removed or put on. Gloves came on or off as did overshoes, shawls   the New York State Museum and was formerly Chair of the Office of
        and hats. But where to put them? This storage problem prompted the        Advanced Studies at the Winterthur Museum.
        first piece of furniture specifically designed for the foyer, the hall stand
        or hall tree. It was a purely 19th century contrivance with no precedent    Send your comments, questions and pictures to me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or
        in form or function other than just hooks on a wall.                      email them to me at
            Early versions of the hall stand all had the same three components,     Visit Fred’s website and check out the downloadable “Common
        coat hooks, a mirror and an umbrella stand. By this time, just after mid-  Sense Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now
                                                                                  available for $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send check or money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO
        century, the umbrella had become a common accessory for the middle        Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423
        class and the hall was the logical place for its storage since it was an    Fred and Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00
        “outside” thing but did need to come inside. The coat hooks reflected     + $3.00 S&H) are also available at the same address. For more information call (800) 387-6377
                                                                                  (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail
        the need for proper attire for both inside and outside and became the       All items are also available directly from the website,
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