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Page 18        The Antique Shoppe       March, 2019
               Picture Perfect Books                                                                           for her paintings of dogs. She illustrated many
                                                                                                                 Diana Thorne was a noted artist, well known

        Carol J. Perry                                                                                                                       books about dogs including several by author
                                                                                                                Helen Hoke.  A  1944  copy  of  Shep and  the

           The  annual  Florida  Antiquarian  Book  Fair  has  long  been  recognized  as  a                     Baby by Hoke with Thorne’s illustrations was
        literary feast for book lovers, bibliophiles and blue stockings from around the                          $45. A 1949 copy of Doctor, The Puppy who
        world! The 38  edition of the oldest and largest fair of is kind in the Southeastern                      Learned by Hoke with Thorne pictures was
        United States will happen in St. Petersburg’s historic Coliseum Ballroom April                             also $45.
        26-28.                                                                                                         Pelagie Doane from the 1930s to the
           The  show  features  books  of  every                                                                     1960s illustrated many children’s books
        imaginable  age  and  subject  matter,                                                                       including the popular Judy Bolton series
        but  one  category  in  particular  draws         The 38th Florida Antiquarian Book Fair                   by  Margaret  Sutton.A942  Sutton  book,
        collectors, browsers and nostalgia seekers         returns to St. Petersburg April 26-28                   Tommy True,  is  the  only  book  Sutton
        every  year—children’s  picture  books.    The largest and longest running book fair in the Southeastern US returns to St.   wrote for very young children (ages 4 to
        Nearly every aisle at the giant event offers   Petersburg s Historic Coliseum April 26-28. The fair will feature more than 100   6)  The  book,  illustrated  by  Doane,  was
        show-goers  a  bit  of  time-travel  back  to   specialized booksellers from all over the country, who bringing books, maps, prints,   $175.
                                                 postcards, ephemera, and other paper collectibles.
        childhood via the illustrations—often by   Show hours are: Fri., Apr. 26th- 5-9, Sat., Apr. 27th- 10-5, & Sun., Apr. 28th- 11-4.    Johnny Gruelle  was  an  American
        famous artists—which brought words to      Friday’s $10 admission, includes live music performance. Daily admission for   artist,  political  cartoonist  and  children’s
        life for kids.                           Saturday & Sunday is $6.00, weekend admission is $10.00.          book  author  and  illustrator.  He  was  the
           (A Moravian teacher named John Amos     Sunday is appraisal day. Paid admission includes a free appraisal by members of   creator of Raggedy Ann and Andy, A 1919
        Comenius,  way  back  in  1658  created   the Florida Bibliophile Society. Discount coupons are available online at   edition  of  Gruelle’s  Friendly  Fairies  was
                                        or on Facebook.
        what is widely recognized as the very first   The Historic Coliseum is located at 535 Fourth Ave. N., St, Petersburg, FL.  $45.
        picture book for children. He called it Orbis   Visit for additional information.
        Pictus which means “Painted World,” and                                                                        Thomas Nast, German born American
        he illustrated his simple sentences about                                                                  illustrator  and  political  cartoonist  who
        nature with accompanying woodcuts.)                                                                        gave us the first modern version of Santa
           Visitors  to  the  most  recent  Antiquarian  Book  Fair  found  an  outstanding                    Claus, illustrated many books. His 1869 version
        array of favorite stories, old and new, made more exciting to youngsters by the                        of  The Wonderful Adventures  of Humpty
        elements of line, color and shape interpreted by noted artists.                                         Dumpty was valued at $600.
                                         Tasha  Tudor,  surely  one  of  America’s                                    W. W. Denslow was the Philadelphia-
                                       most beloved author-illustrators of children’s                            born  illustrator,  famed  as  the  artist  for  L.
                                       literature  is  always  represented  at  the                               Frank Baum’s Oz books. Denslow and Baum
                                       Coliseum  shows.  The  expressive  nature  of                              produced one more children’s book—the
                                       her delicate watercolors is well displayed in                               1901 fairy tale Dot and Tot of Merryland.
                                       a 1950 edition of The Doll’s Christmas priced                                It was $100.
                                       at $18, and a 1998 printing of First Poems for
                                       Children at $15,

                                         Maurice Sendak, American illustrator and
                                       author of books for children is perhaps best
                                       known  for  his  1963  book  Where  the Wild
                                       Things Are. A 1981 first edition of Sendak’s
                                       Outside Over There, an exciting tale of rescue
                                       from goblins, was tagged $35.
           Robert   McCloskey,   Caldecott
        medal  winner,  wrote  and  illustrated
        Lentil,  a  tale  about  a  boy  who  can’t
        sing but learns to make music anyway.
        A rare first edition of the 1940 book                                     Kate Greenaway  was  a  Victorian  ere  artist
        was $1500.                                                                and writer, noted for her children’s book illustrations. Her depictions

           Harrison  Cady  was  an  American                                      of children in 18  century costume sparked an international interest in “Kate
        illustrator  known  for  his  long-                                       Greenaway style.” A1986 edition of The Illuminated History of Flowers featuring
        running  Peter Rabbit  comic  strip.                                      Greenaway illustrations was $12,50.
        Cady enjoyed a long association with                                             This is a tiny sampling of the titles the shopper might find at a Florida
        author  Thornton  Burgess.  A  1924                                       Antiquarian Book Fair. Look also for more artists from what’s become known as
        copy of Buster Bears Twins was $55.                                       “The Golden Age of American Illustration.” Such luminaries as Maxfield Parish,
                                                                                  Andrew Wyeth, Arthur Rackham, Jessie Willcox Smith and so many more await
                                                                                             Framing Illustrations from Children’s Books

                                                                                      Sometimes it’s possible to find what’s known in the trade as a “reading
                                                     Margaret and  H.A. Rey        copy” of a nicely illustrated children’s book. Perhaps the cover is tattered, or
                                                   were a husband and wife team    some pages are missing. Look for the bargain books, often displayed on the
                                                   best  known  for  their  brilliant   end caps at the Coliseum show, usually marked $5.00 or even less. Oversized
                                                   creation  Curious  George.  A   books with good quality illustrations, along with frames from garage sales or
                                                   charming 1946 edition of their   thrift stores can produce some charming wall décor for a child’s room. Use a
                                                   Pretzil  and the Puppies  was   sharp razor and a steady hand to separate the page neatly along the binding.
                                                   $95.                            Simple mats are available inexpensively at most craft stores.
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