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Page 16 The Antique Shoppe August, 2019
New Orleans Importers of Fine Silverware
By Larry LeMasters
LeMasters’ Antique News Service
Tranter Patent Revolver marked
Southern, antebellum, silversmiths, Hyde & Goodrich was a The outbreak “William Tranter’s patent Made for
by and large, did not actually exist. continuance of a firm, James N. of war on April Hyde & Goodrich, New Orleans.”
A large quantity of the silver sold by Hyde established in New York and 14, 1861
Southern silversmiths was imported later moved to New Orleans in 1815. effectively Adolphe Himmel. Some Hyde &
from Northern cities Hyde’s New York ended the Goodrich pieces during this decade
such as New York and connections allowed firm since also bear the individual mark of
Philadelphia. In 1850, him to quickly become Edward G. Christopf Kuchler, Himmel’s former
there were 39 silver a leading importer of Hyde (the last remaining Hyde in the partner. Himmel often copied designs
manufacturers in New Northern silver goods firm of Hyde & Goodrich) withdrew produced by Tiffany & Co. of New
York alone, employing into the South, notably from the company. A new partnership York, whose silver work Himmel
over 880 silversmiths; so New Orleans. So when -Thomas Griswold & Co.- continued admired.
Southern silver retailers one collects Hyde & Hyde & Goodrich under Griswold’s Wood & Hughes, of New York,
had many Northern Goodrich silverware, company name. However, few supplied Hyde & Goodrich with
manufacturers to import one is actually collecting people noticed the change in names hollowware. Many of these pieces
from. One of the largest silver pieces retailed by since many items throughout the war survive today and carry both the
New York silver firms that Hyde & Goodrich, not continued to be marked HYDE & Wood & Hughes and Hyde &
manufactured silverware for crafted by them. GOODRICH. Goodrich marks.
exportation to the south was the James Hyde was a working The company If you seek silverware or military
firm of Wood and Hughes. By silversmith, and C. W. Goodrich changed names pieces bearing the marks of Hyde
1860, Wood and Hughes’ work was a businessman and brother- once again in & Goodrich, bring your wallet.
force consisted of 90 men, in-law of James Hyde, 1865 after These pieces are not cheap! It
and Southern silversmiths, making their partnership an the death is not uncommon for a C.S.A.
who sold it as “Parisian” advantageous one. Hyde of Thomas cuff button, with a Hyde &
silverware, imported a became the buyer for the Griswold. Goodrich, mark to
large amount of their Victorian goblet with firm, making long The new bring as much
silver production. “HYDE & GOODRICH” sojourns into Northern partnership, as $1700 and
Hyde and Goodrich stamped on underside. cities, while Goodrich A. B. Griswold a silver cup
of New Orleans, for was the appointed agent & Co., from Hyde
example, prospered as an importer of and ran the retail business. continued Two-piece military & Goodrich
Northern silverware. James Nevins When discussing Hyde & in business cuff button set that often brings
was designed for a
Hyde and Charles Whiting Goodrich Goodrich, it is important to realize until about Texas CSA soldier. several
relied on the importation of Northern that one is discussing a business 1869, and This set is marked thousand
silverwares to become the largest firm, not the two men who owned then quietly “HYDE & GOODRICH.” dollars
silver retailer in New Orleans. The it. This is important because James folded as the partnership of Hyde at auction.
“Parisian” silver pieces produced Hyde died from yellow fever in New & Goodrich and all its successor Revolvers,
by firms such as Wood Orleans in 1837, and C. W. Goodrich partner-ships faded into history. swords, field glasses and
and Hughes appealed died there in 1849. So By 1850 though, skilled German other military ordinance with the
greatly to the French- the company of Hyde silversmiths began settling in New company’s marks may cost many
bred tastes of New & Goodrich, just like Orleans, so some of the silver goods hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Orleans residents. companies today, was sold by Hyde & Goodrich between
Records indicate a succession of partner- 1850 and 1861 were produced locally
that Hyde & Goodrich ships, beginning with in New Orleans. The partnership
were partnered in the these two men, that of Kuchler & Himmel created
silver trade in New included at various Rococo-revival pieces for Hyde &
Orleans as early as times Edward Goodrich Goodrich. An impressed “K & H”
1816. An 1822 New Hyde, son of James mark on Hyde & Goodrich silver
Orleans City Directory Hyde, William indicates Kuchler & Himmel made
lists James N. Hyde Goodrich, son of the piece. Later, Adolphe Himmel
& C. W. Goodrich at C. W. Goodrich, was employed to produce silver
“15 Chartres Street: and Arthur pieces exclusively for Hyde &
jewelry, military and Breese Griswold, Goodrich. Himmel continued to be
fancy hardware.” A Military binoculars sold by brother-in-law to the primary designer and silversmith
Hyde & Goodrich Hyde & Goodrich of New Orleans. William Goodrich. for the successive partnerships until
advertisement in the they folded
New Orleans Merchants’ Diary and Griswold in 1869.
Guide of 1857-58 states, “The largest joined the The large
importers of jewelry, watches, plated- firm in incised “H”
ware, guns and pistols and the only 1854, many that appears
manufacturers of gold and silverware years after on Hyde &
in the South-West.” Ads running in the death of Goodrich
1857 proclaimed, “…established the original 857 advertisement for HYDE & GOODRICH in pieces is
forty years in New Orleans.” owners. New Orleans Merchants’ Diary and Guide. the mark of Beautiful HYDE & GOODRICH pitcher.