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Page 18        The Antique Shoppe       July, 2019
                                                                                                                          Always scammers in the collector
           KAYE’S COLLECTOR CORNER                                                                                        business, regardless of age. I
                                                                                                                          eventually completed the set and
            By Mike “Collector K” Kaye                                                                                    went on to the other series, not
                                                                                                                          sure which to start collecting next.
                                                                                                                             The 1st series was the most
           TOPPS  Garbage Pail Kids                                                                                       sought after and hardest to find.
                                                                                                                          The pink packs featuring Adam
                                                                                                                          Bomb became burned in my mind
           I believe some of us are born with what I call   Sonny’s Bookstore on 44th, I ran                              as I hunted for them in stores.
        the, “Collector Bug”. An uncontrollable sense of   to the candy aisle where I saw a                               One day my brother took me
        excitement about a certain object and the urge to   green pack of 3rd Series Garbage                              to an indoor flea market where
        own it, or perhaps a passion for a collection of items   Pail Kids marked $.49. My mom                            we found a store called “Crazy
        which may seem random and                                        said, “pick out                                  Eddy’s.” His store was filled
        even odd to those dearest to us,                                 four packs” - I                                  with Garbage Pail Kids. He had
        yet nothing out of the ordinary                                  was ecstatic.                                    posters hanging, glass showcases
        in our minds. I’m not referring                                  The store       GPK cards often had putrid images but this   with error cards and every series
        to a “hoarder,” who tends to                                     owner gave      one (27a) has a positive aspect pertaining to   that was available at the time.
        collect endless, actual garbage,                                 me the packs    intelligence, which ironically also happens   The 1st series was $10.00 per
                                                                                            to be my spouse’s name. Value $50
        I’m referring to a connoisseur                                   in a separate                                    pack, a fortune for a ten-year-
        of valuable items, an expert of                                  paper bag. I                                     old. I had some money and my
        rarities, a collector who can’t                                  remember opening the first pack   brother covered the rest. Crazy Eddy then pulled
        resist but to build collectibles and                             in the car and said “Snotty Sam”   out about fifteen packs and fanned them out like
        surround their-self with items                                   but my mom corrected me and       a deck of cards and said, “Pick your poison”. One
        that bring them comfort, joy and                                 said “Snooty Sam”. I had no clue   pack stuck out to me; it was an error pack folded
        ultimately financial gain, if they                               what it meant, but I didn’t care, I   incorrectly with half of another pack printed on it. I
        so decide to part with any of it, at                             loved the cards                                  picked that pack and paid. Crazy
        a point before they de-part from                                 and the stick of                                 Eddy asked if I was opening it in
        this planet.                                                     gum.                                             the store, but I told him I wasn’t
           Let’s go in a time machine   First Series Garbage Pail Kids card (18a) in   When I got                         because I wanted to take in the
        back to 1982. As a little boy I   Gem Mint worth $100. This is the first card   home, I began                     excitement of slowly opening
        began collecting items - this was   I ever saw (on a friend’s binder) that started   placing them in              it later. I made it to the parking
        not something anyone taught me      my interest in the Topps series.  number order.                               lot and couldn’t resist. I had
        to do, it just came naturally to                                 I had many                                       accumulated most of the set but
        me. Could it be hereditary? My brother collected   duplicates, so I put them aside. I                             was missing the key first card 1A
        Hotwheels® and later vinyl Records, while my Dad   was chewing the powdered pink                                  Nasty Nick. My brother watched
        liked stamps as a youth, and eventually dabbled   bubble gum sticks as I organized                                as I opened it. My enthusiasm
        in coins. Collectors in the family tree, but none of   my new treasure. I was                                     fizzled as I realized I already
        those items interested me. What                                  determined to                                    had the first card. I went through
        did interest me in the beginning,                                get the entire                                   the pack disappointed as I got
        were basically worthless items.                                  3rd series set;                                  5 duplicates and regretted not
        I collected bouncy balls from                                    I was on a                                       spending the $10 on the cards I
        dime machines, stickers from                                     mission.                                         needed from the case as opposed
        homework well done, various                                         I first      First card in the Garbage Pail Kid Series, (1a)   to the gamble of a pack.
                                                                                           worth $400 in grade 9 mint condition.
        colored plastic sticks that                                      decided to                                         As the years passed, I
        restaurants like “Sizzler” would                                 write down                                       eventually completed the first 12
        place on steaks to notate “well                                  the numbers I had and then trade   series and lost interest by the 13th-15th series. I
        done” or “medium rare,” I even                                   the duplicates to get the cards   also had accumulated various GPK related toys,
        collected rabbit’s feet until my                                 I needed to complete the set.     folders, posters and unopened boxes. I was still a
        older brother told me they were                                  Trading with other kids can be    novice collector at that time since my urge to open
        from “real” rabbits and after                                    quite a task. I’ve had kids try   the packages and play with the toys overtook the
        showing me the nails under the                                   to get rid of the lousy condition   concept of leaving them in the original packaging.
        painted fur, I quickly threw them                                cards and one                                    In hindsight, I didn’t know items
        all away. I then moved on to                                     kid even tried                                   were worth more if left in the
        collecting the matchbooks from                                   to sell me a                                     packaging because the truth of
        each restaurant and establishment   GPK First series card (8a) Adam Bomb was   card which                         the matter was I could just go
                                        also the image for the boxes and packs for
        we’d visit. I never thought to use   the first 5 series. A perfect 10 with checklist   wasn’t the                 back in the store and buy another,
        the matches, just the desire of        back is valued at $1,800.  official peel                                   not thinking that eventually that
        seeing different art on each as I’d                              off sticker card                                 would not be the case in years
        leave the restaurant or establishment that had them   but instead an image from the                               to come as supplies dried up and
        near the register. I remember excitement seeing   bottom of the actual box which                                  companies stopped producing the
        different colored matchbooks I knew I didn’t have.   he cut out and tried to pawn off                             items. A true collector focuses on
        As I matured, so did my taste in what I was actually   as a real sticker card. I almost fell                      condition and rarity, planning to
        collecting.                                      for it but didn’t see the die-cut                                keep the items pristine, knowing
           Around 1986, I saw a classmate with something   sticker outline like all the real                              that they’d become scarce in the
        called “Garbage Pail Kids” (GPK) by Topps® inside a   cards have. What also threw me                              future.
        photo album. The collector bug officially struck me. I   off was the fact the card was one                          If you have Garbage Pail Kids
        had to have them; I wanted every card that was made.   I had never seen, and it turned                            items to sell, I’m always in the
           When I got home from school that day, I begged   out that he had obtained a box of   Fond memories of this card because my   market. Email kpeople@hotmail.
        my mom to take me to the newsstand where         the 4th series, which apparently   Uncle Stanley came to visit me as a child   com or call/text me at 561-628-
        Grandpa bought his cigars. When we arrived at    came out unbeknown to me.         and gave me a folder with this image.  4369. Thanks, Collector K
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