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February 2021 - Antique Shoppe - 15
Mike Ivankovich Has
ZOOM Programs Booked DELAND
in 12 States – And Growing ANTIQUE SHOPS & MORE
Doylestown PA— Mike Ivankovich
- Auctioneer, Appraiser, Home
Downsizing Consultant, and Host ANGEVINE’S
of Philadelphia’s “What’s It Worth” FINE SILVER, INC.
Over 30,000 Pieces of Sterling
Radio Show - is now offering a wide DeLand’s Oldest Antiques Shop
variety of Zoom Programs … all across
the USA. With so many Libraries still Asparagus Servers to Sardine Forks
closed or offering limited services, and with so many Clubs, Groups and Baby Cups to Tea Services
Organizations unable to meet in person due to the Covid Pandemic, 3 4 4 2899 S. Woodland Blvd.
Mike’s Zoom Programs are an ideal way for groups to enjoy interesting DeLand, FL 32720
and informative programs … virtually. 386-734-3553
Mike most popular program is his “What’s It Worth” Appraisal M-F 10AM-5PM; SAT 10AM-4PM
Purchase on the web at:
Program where each attendee has Mike appraise their treasures … 1
while remaining in the comfort and safety of their home. Just a few of
Mike’s other Zoom programs include “Your Children Don’t Want It. What
Can You Do?” …”25 Items That Will Most Likely Disappoint You When ANGEVINE’S JEWELRY, INC.
Graduate Gemologist, GIA
Selling” … or “Going, Going Gone - Let’s Have an Auction”, which can be Fine selection of Antique, Estate
tailored to be either a fun, or a fundraising event. Other programs focus & New Jewelry. Buy & Sell
on Antiques & Collectibles, Moving & Home Downsizing, and still other Authorized Moorcroft Retailer
programs are designed to provide just plain & simple fun. Jewelry Appraisals while you wait
By Appointment
Mike now has programs booked in CT, DE, FL, IN, MA, MI, NJ, NH, 1/2 Family Owned & Operated
NY OH, PA, RI …. and the beauty of Zoom is he can book programs Since 1959
…. Anywhere in the Country. If you know of a group that might be Hours M-F 10-5, Sat. 10-1
interested in some entertaining Zoom programs, further details can be 2899 S. Woodland Blvd.
found at or by calling DeLand, FL
215-264-4304. You can also visit Mike’s Radio Show Web Site at: 2
(386) 734-8553
— New Owners—
LPGA Blvd Daytona
I-95 Back Home Antiques
265 Mason Ave Collectibles & More
Dunn Ave Int’l Speedway Blvd N Beach St Peninsula New 110 S. Woodland Blvd.
92 483 RidgewoodAve
Beville Rd DeLand, FL 32720
261 386-738-9967
400 Smyrna
260 132
A1A OPEN Mon-Sat 11-5, Sun 12-4
Clyde Morris
421 Art Pottery, Vintage, Costume Jewelry, Depression Glass,
Beach Antique & Vintage Furniture
S Atlantic Ave
Int’l Speedway Blvd US1
92 600 I-4 Ridgewood Ave Peninsula New Smyrna
92 Pioneer Trail Flagler Beach
17 NorthCswy
New York Ave 44 I-95 44
600 249 44 Canal
15 Riverside Dr
10th St A1A
W Park Ave 1 $10.00 gift card with purchase of $100.00 or more 3
Indian River Blvd
Come 442
See Our
Coronado Antiques
& Collectibles Mall
Over 7,000 sq.ft. of Home Decor, Antiques, Mid-Century Modern,
Nautical & Coastal Furnishings and Much More!
1441 South Dixie Freeway
We Moved 3 Doors Down!
New Smyrna Beach, FL
386-428-3331 Vintage Furniture, Mid-Century Modern, Retro, Upcycled, Repurposed,
Rustic, Industrial, Antique, Primitives, Pottery, Vintage Lighting,
OPEN Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm 1 Vintage Clothing, Jewelry and Accessories! 4