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November, 2017          The Antique Shoppe          Page 19
        in style which comes from the        because of the edge around the
        Federal period of the early 19th     tops. Tables like this have been
        century.  I  would  estimate  your   built since the 18th century but
        dresser was made in the late         most that are around today are                   Andrea & Friends to Honor US Veteran’s
        1940s. If the mirror in the photo    American Colonial Revival models                               with Special Sale
        actually matches the dresser and     built from the 1920s on. The quality           St. Petersburg- To honor U.S. veterans, Andrea & Friends of Saint
        if the glass in it is original there   of the tables varies widely so there      Petersburg is giving veterans a special discount on merchandise, on
                                                                                         the weekend of November 11 & 12.
        may be a further clue to age there.   is no standard value.  Cheaper                Veteran’s just have to identify themselves as serving in the armed
        All American mirrors of the 20th     ones, made with mahogany veneer             forces  to  receive  this  special  discount. Andrea  &  Friends Antique
        century are dated. The mirror glass   and non-mahogany pedestals and             Mall is located at 2400 Dr. MLK Jr. St. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
        will have a date in dark gray on the   legs,  in  good  condition,  sell  for       More information about the Veteran’s Day discount is available by
        reverse of the glass itself. You will   around $75. Good ones of solid           calling the store at 727-821-2206.
        have to remove the backing to see    mahogany,  good  execution  in
        it.                                  design and in excellent condition
                My mother has a 2-tiered     can sell for more than $300. If you
        Q. round  mahogany  table            can send me some photos of yours
        with  raised  scroll  work  around   I may be able to tell more about it.
        edges  and  claw  feet  stand.  It  is   Send photos as .jpg files to me at    I-95  LPGA Blvd       Daytona            New
        probably at least 40-50 years old.              265           Mason Ave
                                                                                                    Int’l Speedway Blvd
        It  stands  about  32  inches  high.     Send your comments, questions and pictures to   Dunn Ave  483  RidgewoodAve  Peninsula
                                                                                                            N Beach St
        There is some small chip damage      me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or email   261   Beville Rd          Smyrna
                                             them to me at
        on one of the claw feet (probably      Visit Fred’s newly redesigned website at       260 132  400
        from vacuum).   How much would and check out the              Clyde Morris  421  US1  A1A  Beach
                                             new downloadable “Common Sense Antiques”
        you  guess  this  table  would  be   columns in .pdf format. His book “HOW TO BE A                                S Atlantic Ave
        worth?  No stamped manufacturer      FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now available for $18.95 plus       256          5
                                             $3.00 shipping. Send check or money order for $21.95 to
                                                         Int’l Speedway Blvd
        name. Thanks.                        Fred Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423                           US1
                                               Fred and Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF
                                  —Betty     OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00 + $3.00                                  Ridgewood Ave  Peninsula
                                              92 600
                Betty - Your table is called   92 S&H) are also available at the same address. For   Pioneer Trail               NorthCswy  Flagler New Smyrna
                                            17 more information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM
        A. a “dumbwaiter”. The style        600 New York Ave            44                                     I-95   44     Canal  1  44  Edgewater
                                             Eastern, M-F only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail
        is usually Chippendale and it is    15 All items are also                   249           10th St  Riverside Dr  3  A1A
        referred  to  as  a  “piecrust”  table   available directly from the website,                                           W Park Ave
                                                                                                                                 Indian River Blvd
                                                                                          NSB ANTIQUE MALL
                                                                                           Quality Vintage & Mid-Century Furniture
                                                                                              Art - Vintage Toys - Estate Jewelry
                                                                                          From New Smyrna’s Oldest Antique Shop
                                                                                             419 Canal Street • 386-426-7825
                                                                                                     Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm

                                                                                                                                     Spend a day shopping
                                                                                                                                     in New Smyrna Bch.
                                                                                                                                     7 Area Antique Shops
                                                                                                                                   +Many Fine Restaurants.
                                                                                                                                    Sure to be an adventure!


                                                                                            Coronado Antiques

                                                                                                       & Collectibles Mall

                                                                                       Over 7,000 sq.ft. of Home Decor, Antiques, Mid-Century Modern,
                                                                                               Nautical & Coastal Furnishings and Much More!
                                                                                              1433 South Dixie Freeway
                                                                                                 New Smyrna Shopping Center - (US 1 South)
                                                                                                 New Smyrna Beach, FL

                                                                                              OPEN Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm
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