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August, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 13
                                                          MOON WAGON                                                          ←5-wheel, orange Moon
                                                                                                                              Wagon, showing rusty,
                                                            Turned Boys into Astronauts                                       worn paint. This is the

        BY: LARRY LEMASTERS                                                                                                   condition that most
                                                                                                                              Moon Wagons are found
        LeMasters’ Antique News Service                                                                                       in today.

           In 1968 Merle L.                                man on the moon, Persinger called
        Persinger received                                 his new invention “Moon Wagon.”
        a patent for one of                                One 1969 advertising called the toy
        the most unusual                                   “Moon Wagon for Young Astronauts.”
        toy wagons ever                                      Moon Wagons were sold with 5, 7 and 9
        manufactured—the                                   wheels. The odd wheel on each Moon Wagon
        Moon Wagon.           ↑Detail of decal located on   extended behind the wagon and was called a     in good condition sell in
           Persinger along    sissy bar of Moon Wagons.    “wheelie” wheel since it was designed so a      the range of $75-$125;
        with Laverne O.                                    rider could lean back (each Moon Wagon had      however, it should
        Persinger founded                                  a sissy bar) and “pop” a wheelie in the wagon.    be noted that Moon
        Big Boy Manufacturing Company (Burbank,          Advertisements instructed riders to “LEAN BACK    Wagons do not appear
        California) in 1953. The company                 / GIVE ‘ER THE GUN!”                              on eBay often, so in
        manufactured round, Big Boy barbeque                                 Today, Moon Wagons are        some ways, it is a seller’s market.
        grills.                                                                 considered rare and          Vintage, Moon Wagon advertising is also
           No doubt, looking for other uses for                                    expensive. Recently,    collectible. Color ads from magazines, circa 1970,
        round-based things to sell, Persinger                                        one was offered       advertising “Get Off the Ground with the Wagon
        stumbled on the idea for a round, toy                                        on an Internet        That’s Round” sell for $35.
        wagon for children to ride.  Since the                                       auction site for        Moon Wagons were Space Age toys that
        US and Russia were rushing to put a                                          $1,500, which may     resembled flying saucers. Following the moon
                                                                                   be a little high. On    landing in 1969, interest in Moon Wagons waned,
         7-wheel Moon Wagon that was offered                                    average, Moon Wagons
              on the Internet for $1,500.→                                                                 as they became just another fad of the 1960s.

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