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Florida’s Best Newspaper for Antiques & Collectibles                                                 TAKE ONE

                                FEBRUARY 2018 • Volume 31 No. 6

                                    Zellique Art Glass

                                 Heart Shaped Perfume Bottles

        By Larry LeMasters, LeMasters’ Antique News Service

             Joseph Morel                          its unique and beautiful
        always admired                                    detailed art glass       LEFT: Zellique heart-shaped “Rose”
        the beauty of                                         creations.                 perfume bottle; $750.
        glass, but it                                           It was at          RIGHT: Beautiful, Zellique art glass
        wasn’t until                                             Zellique,           “Hearts” perfume bottle, dated
        he took                                                  working                     1993: $110.
        a glass-                                                  as his own
        blowing                                                   “boss,”                        Continued on Page 3
        class as a                                               that Morel
        senior in                                               final could
        college that                                           explore
        a true artistic                                       the outer-
        passion and                                          limits of his
        life-long career                                   imagination and
        emerged.  Art glass                              the boundaries of
        became his focus in                            rules when working
        life following college                      with art glass.
        as he sought to continue to             While Zellique produced              Are you a Treasure Hunter? Then WALDO ANTIQUE VILLAGE is looking for
        develop glass techniques, both       many artsy glass pieces,              you, we have a 24,000 sq. ft. two story building full of Hidden Treasures just
        ancient and modern.                  none expressed the whimsy             waiting to be found. It may be in that box on the floor, buried under Old
                                                                                   Newspaper Clippings, upstairs next to that Antique Chair or on that shelf
           While working as a master         and beauty of art glass better        behind the Cobalt Glass. Unique items from Early American Days to the Late
                                                                                   90’s, Star Wars, M&M’s to Miniature items so small they fit in a ring. Lots of
        glass blower for other               than Zellique’s heart-shaped          vendors that bring in new treasures on a regular basis.
                                                                                     You never know what lurks in the next booth, like a Bronze Buddha, an
        studios, Morel discovered the        perfume bottles.  Attention to        Annalee Mouse, or what about that rare Franciscan Apple piece you have
        restrictions and limitations         detail, the heavy glass weight        never seen before and just have to own. Bring some friends and have your
        placed on artists, whose artistic    of a paperweight, and the             own Treasure Hunt to see who can find that Special item today. Voted “Best
        visions are controlled by            intricate design and beauty           Mall in Florida”.
                                                                                     We are located next to the Famous Waldo Farmers & Flea Market at 17805
        others.  In 1980, Morel founded      of romance are intricately            NE US Hwy 301, Waldo. The Mall is open Monday to Friday 10-6 & Saturday &
        Zellique Art Glass, a studio that    entwined in Zellique’s perfume        Sunday 9-6.
                                                                                     For information or directions call 352-468-3111 or visit their website at
        is inter-nationally known for        bottles.                    

                                     Florida’s Largest Antique Event of the Year!

                                                      1000                         South Florida Fairgrounds              FEBRUARY
                                                                                        9067 Southern Blvd.
                                                VENDORS!                            West Palm Beach, FL 33411                      2-4
              SPECTACULAR                            EARLY BUYERS:  “1st Pick” Friday 9AM-12PM • Admission $25 - Good All 3 Days • GEN. ADMISSION: FRI 12-5PM, SAT 9AM-5PM, SUN 10AM-4:30PM • Admission $10
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