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January, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 33
              Scott Antique Markets Ready for New Year with Vendor, Online Focus

        Story by: Jess Grimm

        Photos Courtesy of Scott Antique Markets

           The New Year is here and Scott    to bring in new and different vendors   or Pinterest have a direct
        Antique Markets has big plans for it.  to offer the best variety and a new   line to the market to
           “We’re very excited for 2018,”    experience to customers each time they   ask questions and see
        Don Scott,                                                walk through    the latest information,
        founder of                                                our doors.”     photos and more in
        Scott Antique                                               Scotts        one convenient place.
        Markets, said.                                            will also be    Vendors and shoppers
        “We have a                                                continuing      can connect by using
        great staff that                                          to grow         #ScottAntiqueMarkets or
        is working hard                                           their online    @ScottAntiqueMarkets
        to bring the                                              presence,       to share their booths,
        best antique                                              making it       merchandise, purchases and
        shows to our                                              easier than     more with others interested
        customers                                                 ever for        in the market or people who
        every month.”                                             customers and   are looking for specific items.  ↑Exhibitors at Scott Antique Markets sell a wide
           The staff is                                           vendors to stay   The social media pages   variety of antique items including furniture, art, toys,
        always working   ↑Customers browse through a booth at Scott   connected with   will have more to offer in the   tools, collectibles & other items.
        to make each     Antique Markets in Atlanta, Georgia.
        show better than                                                                                               began last July, is now posted weekly
        the last at their                                                                              coming year,    on the Scott Antique Markets website
        three locations – Atlanta, GA; Columbus,   the market,                                         including       and contains reviews of the shows,
        OH and Washington Court House, OH.   even when                                                 videos, live    important announcements and one-on-
        This year the staff will continue to grow   the show isn’t                                     posts from      one interviews with vendors from all
        each show and find new vendors for their   open.                                               the shows and   over the country.
        customers.                             People                                                  more coverage     Anyone interested in the show will be
           “In October (of 2017) the Atlanta   who friend,                                             of the antique   able to stay better connected and have a
        show was named in the ‘50 Best Things   follow or like                                         markets in      better experience than ever before with
        to do in Atlanta’ article by Atlanta   Scott Antique                                           their new       Scott Antique Markets in the coming
        Magazine, and we’re going to continue   Markets on                                             blog called     year, making it even easier to find your
        living up to that standard,” said Kenny   Facebook,                                            “The Antique    next treasure.
        Scott, Executive Manager of Scott    Twitter,       ↑An exhibitor works on a piece at Scott Antique   Archive.” The   For more information,and show dates
        Antique Market. “We’re always working   Instagram           Markets in Atlanta, Georgia.       blog, which     visit

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