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May, 2017          The Antique Shoppe          Page 33

                                                                  Horse Racing

        By: Jeff Figler
           If you are like most people who go to a horserace you wage on a particular   However, organized racing in the United States did not exist until 1868.
        horse because of its name, or maybe on how it looks. Sure, there are some   By 1890, there were over 300 tracks operating in the United States. As there
        people who study the racing program, and bet on a horse because of the jockey                  was no governing authority by then, many track had criminal
        or even the trainer.                                                                           elements. Finally, in 1894, the country’s biggest track and stable
           But lets face it, most people who are novices at the track, and don’t mind too                       owners met and formed the American Jockey Club.
        much losing a few dollars, will have fun just betting on the horses with unusual                              In the early 1900s, an anti-gambling feeling almost wiped out
        names.                                                                                           the sport. By 1908, only a couple dozen tracks remained. In that
           Pity the poor horse with a name of I WAS A MISTAKE, or I’M A LOSER, or                                          same year, pari-mutuel betting on the Kentucky Derby
        DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON ME. The horses have to bear being called                                                        was introduced, and a turnabout occurred. State
                                       those names their entire life.                                                                legislatures allowed horse racing in exchange for
                                            And to think that horse racing has been                                                      a portion of the money wagered. Horse racing
                                          called the sport of Kings. It makes you                                                        started to flourish again. Horses like Man O’
                                          wonder what some of the kings called                                                             War captured the imagination of people
                                          their horses. Prince? Duke? Earl?                                                                  across the country.
                                            But how did horse racing become                                                              After a decline in the sport during the
                                         so popular and remain that way to this                                                                   1950s and 1960s, the sport bounced back
                                      day? After all, its origins date back to about                                                                   in the 1970s, due in part because of such
                                4500 BC among the nomadic tribesmen of Central                                                                        horses as Secretariat, Seattle Slew, and
                             Asia, the ones who first domesticated the horse. The                                                                      Affirmed. All three of those horses won
                             ancient Greek Olympics had events for both chariot and                                                                        the American Triple Crown, consisting
                            mounted horse racing.                                                                                                        of the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness,
                               Modern horse racing had its origins in the 12  century,   and the Belmont Stakes. The popularity of the sport has continued to this day.
                            when English Knights returned from the Crusades with    Wagering on the races has been the main appeal of the sport, and the
                            Arab horses. For the next 400 or so years, Arab stallions   reason that horse racing has survived. Betting at American tracks is done using
                            were imported and bred to English mares to produce    a pari-mutuel wagering system. Under this system a fixed percentage of the
                                  horses that had both speed and endurance.       total amount wagered is taken out for racing purses, state and local taxes, and
                                                                                                                      track operating costs. The remaining
                                                                                                                      amount is divided by the number
                                                                                                                      of individual correct wagers, to
                                                                                                                      determine the payoff, or odds, on
                                                                                                                      each bet. The odds are continuously
                                                                                                                      calculated and posted on the track
                                                                                                                      toteboard during the open betting
                                                                                                                      period before each race.
        English nobles started to wager on                                                                               Naturally, horse racing items are
        their own on races between the fastest                                                                        very popular among collectors.
        of the horses.                                                                                                   A lot of three Triple Crown horse
           And so began betting on the ponies!                                                                        racing jockeys signed photographs,
           During Queen Anne’s reign in the                                                                           signed by jockeys Edgar Prado, Ron
        18  century, horse racing became a                                                                            Turcotte, and Steve Cauthen sold for
        professional sport. Racing evolved to                                                                         slightly over $200.
        the point where spectators bet as well.                                                                          Four silver racing trophies owned
        Tracks sprung up all over England, and                                                                        by actor Jack Klugman were sold at
        large purses of money were offered to                                                                         auction for $2750.
        attract the best horses. Owning and                                                                              However, two gold horse racing
        breeding horses for racing became very                                                                        trophies were individually auctioned
        profitable. The first central governing                                                                       for much more, one for $13,000, and
        authority was formed in 1750 in                                                                               the other for $31,000, which was
        England, and called the Jockey Club. It                                                                       awarded to Stagehand for winning the
        still regulates English racing to this day.                               Santa Anita Handicap in 1938.
           As you might expect, British settlers brought horses, and horse racing as well   And for those real horse racing enthusiasts, a signed race worn silk from
        to America. The first racetrack in America was laid out in 1665 on Long Island.   2002 was auctioned for $457. Try fitting into one of those. I know I could not.
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