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Page 22          The Antique Shoppe            September, 2017

        Continued from Page  17

           Attached to the plate, on the left, is a
        white-back glass alcohol thermometer, held
        in place by 2 pieces of metal wire, with a
        1/4" to 3/8" diameter offset bulb, so that
        the tube can lie flat on the face. Most of the
        thermometers contain deep red alcohol for
        ease of viewing, although yellow, orange,
        purple and blue dyes have been noted. Some
        of these thermometers could have been
        replaced, though.
           On the right is a Storm Glass, usually
        measuring about 5" x 3/8" - 1/2" diameter,
        and sealed at top and bottom, which
        contains the liquid, a "super-saturated"
        solution of camphor-nitrate of potassium and
        Sal ammoniac - partly dissolved in alcohol,
        with distilled water. The relative quantities   2        3                 4                   5                6                7
        of these ingredients, and their efficiency
        in predicting storms, have been debated   The Cottage Barometers, as these   The author is John Forster, owner of "Barometer Fair" in
        since at least 1861 when Admiral Fitzroy -  a   instruments with the storm glass and the   Florida, and these barometers form part of his collection of
        staunch supporter of storm glasses - tried,   thermometer came to be known, were popular   interesting and unusual barometers. He can be contacted at:
        unsuccessfully,  to determine the origin of   household items in the US in the late 1880's.   Barometer Fair, P.O.Box 25502, Sarasota, FL 34277,
        them. Admiral Fitzroy has been mentioned   They were priced at $1.00 initially, but later at
        twice  (three times now) so perhaps it is   $2.00, as shown in the description on the back;   email:
        time to say a few words about him; he was   some even came with a warning line at the   Phone: 941 400 7044
        Captain Fitzroy when he sailed off to the   bottom (presumably not the $1.00 version!)
        Galapagos Islands with Charles Darwin in   "beware of worthless imitations. None genuine
        the late 1850's, on a 30 month exploration.   without the above TRADE MARK". The  price
        Darwin went on to write "The Origin of the   on another has been covered over with a
        Species" on his return to England, and Fitzroy   label saying "price one shilling", so they were
        devoted the remainder of his long life to   presumably made for export, and since they
        weather forecasting, particularly for sailors.   were mostly made in upstate New York, the one
        He thought up many weather-related sayings,   advertising newspapers in Canada, indicates that
        such as "red sky at night, sailors' delight"   they also went north.
        (which for land-lubbers, became "red sky   Cottage Barometers are still readily available
        at night, farmers' delight") and also many   at antique shows and on eBay, and are usually
        phrases related to the direction and strength   priced under $200. As well as these early ones,
        of the winds, and barometric readings.  there are newer ones, from the beginning of the
            Admiral Fitzroy's Barometers, much   20th century, (still over 100 years old) and they
        sought after, are usually heavy Victorian   make a fun, useful, and inexpensive collection.
        carvings, in oak, with many printed   While this article has tried to illustrate some of
        descriptions alongside the mercury tube,   the small variations in those, there is still a lot
        and a Storm Glass next to the thermometer.   more research required. Happy collecting!  12  13             14                15
        He worked with a London company called
        Negretti and Zambra for the construction                                           NAME
        of most of his barometers, with whom he                      TITLE      THERM   BENEATH THE    LABEL ON   DESCRIPTION   PRICE ON     NOTES:
        had  much correspondence  concerning the                                /SCALE  THERMOMETER (A)  REVERSE  ON REVERSE  REVERSE  (A)  More writing may be
        make-up and efficacy of the storm bottles. He           1. STANDARD      -20    CHAS. E LARGE  WHITE PAPER  STANDARD  NO PRICE   hidden beneath the
        believed that the crystals would materialise           BAROMETER         130                                        PRINTED (B)  wood moulding
        before a storm, possibly caused by static               2. STANDARD      -10      CHAS. E LARGE  WHITE PAPER  STANDARD  $1.00  (B)  “Made in USA” printed
        electricity and temperature, and that the                                120    BROOKLYN NY.                                     instead
        storm glass would be a good adjunct to his              3. STANDARD      -50C    CHAS. E LARGE  WHITE PAPER  STANDARD  NO PRICE
        mercury barometer. While it is known that              BAROMETER         150    BROOKLYN NY.                         PRINTED  (C)  Thermometer and scale
                                                                                                                                         replaced by silvered
        the crystals do appear, (sometimes even                 4. STANDARD      -50        (D)       MISSING                            brass, J.T. Lange & Son
        before a storm!) even today nobody knows               BAROMETER         110    PAT. OCT 4 1892                                  Williamsburgh
        why.                                                    5. COTTAGE       -20      NOTHING     NO LABEL-              NO PRICE
                                                               BAROMETER         120       VISIBLE    PRINTED ON   COTTAGE   PRINTED  (D)  Printed beneath the
                                                                                                      WOOD                               storm bottle S.P. Scott
                                                                6. HOMESTEAD     -30      J.T. LANGE + SON         LANGE’S               Buffalo NY Also 1 inch
                                                               BAROMETER         130    BROOKLYN NY   WHITE PAPER  HOMESTEAD  $2.00      shorter
                                                                7. KICKAPOO OIL    -40      NOTHING                                   (E)  Also flag of 4 white stars
                                                               QUICK CURE FOR ALL   140    VISIBLE    BLUE/GREEN  COTTAGE     $2.00      on blue field
                                               11              PAINS                                                                  (F)  “Beware of worthless
                                                                8. WHEATLET
                                                               EATEN & ENJOYED   -60      FRANKLIN MILLS   BLUE/GREEN  COTTAGE  $2.00    imitations. Non genuine
                                                               IN ALL KINDS OF   120        CO.                                          without the above
                                                               WEATHER                                                                   TRADEMARK.
                                                                9. DR. GOSS                                                           (G) Label covered over with
                                                               FAMILY TEA        130    MADE IN USA   MISSING                            PRICE ONE SHILLING
                                                               CURES CONSTIPATION
                                                               10. ADMIRAL       -50      NOTHING                    (F)              (H)  Faded gold printing on
                                                               BAROMETER         120       VISIBLE    WHITE PAPER  COTTAGE   MISSING     very dark (blue?) paper
                                                               11. THE WEEKLY
                                                               TELEGRAPH         120      NOTHING     BLUE/GREEN  COTTAGE      (G)
                                                               12. FAMILY HERALD
                                                               AND WEEKLY STAR   -30      NOTHING     BLUE/GREEN     (F)      $2.00
                                                               (MONTREAL CAN.)   120       VISIBLE                COTTAGE
                                                               13. POOLS COTTAGE   -50      NOTHING                  (F)
                                                               BAROMETER         130       VISIBLE    WHITE PAPER  COTTAGE   MISSING
                                                               14. POOL COTTAGE   -30      NOTHING                   (F)
                                                               BAROMETER         120       VISIBLE    WHITE PAPER  COTTAGE    $2.00
                                                               15. MANHATTAN     -60      CHAS E. LARGE
          8                  9                 10              BAROMETER         150    BROOKLYN NY.  WHITE PAPER  STANDARD  MISSING
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