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Page 18          The Antique Shoppe            July, 2018
                                                        BABY POWDER TINS

                                                         Prices Reflect Tins’ Rarity

                                             BY LARRY LEMASTERS
                                             LeMasters’ Antique News Service
                                               Baby bottoms have never gone       Corporation’s (of Rutherford, NJ)
                                             out of style.  If you don’t believe   tin toy solder is highly sought after.
                                             me, check the maternity ward of any   In  the  early  1900s,  Cadette  offered
                                             hospital.  And one thing is certain,   these tin soldier cans full of talcum
                                             where there is a baby bottom there   powder, but when the tins were
                                             is baby powder.  Baby powder or      empty, they made excellent toys for
                                             talcum powder is  made  from talc,   girls or boys.  100 years after being
         ↑California Perfume Co. produced this   a mineral comprised mainly of    manufactured, a Cadette tin in good
        Baby Powder tin around 1940.  This tin is   magnesium, silicon, and oxygen.  condition is valued at $175.
                   valued at $125.             And while vintage talcum powder       Not all baby powder tins
                                             tins  are  highly  collectible  today,  I   were manufactured for baby use.
                                             must,  in  good  consciousness,  offer   McKesson & Robbins Incorporated
                                             a stern warning from the American    of  New  York  offered  tins  of  baby
                                             Cancer Society, “In its natural      powder as far back as 1900.  These
                                             form, some talc contains asbestos, a   tins were advertised for children or   TOP-Beautiful, baby blue, Nylotis Baby
                                             substance known to cause cancers in   adults as: “... recommended for a    Powder tin.  Manufactured by NYAL
                                             and around the lungs.”  Be careful,   soothing and non-irritating  Toilet   Company of Detroit, circa 1920s, this tin
                                             mothers and fathers.                 Powder for infants.    Alleviating   is valued at $128. LEFT-Manufactured by
                                                With that warning stated, vintage   chafing  in  infants  and  stout   Cadette Products Corporation, this Toy
                                             talcum powder tins are more than     adults.  An After Shaving Talcum for   Tin Soldier baby powder tin is valued at
                                                                                                                      $175. RIGHT-Rawleigh’s circus-themed
                                             just collectible, they make cute     unusually sensitive faces.”  Expect   Talcum tin is large, 14 ounces, and is
                                             collections and hold their rather high   to pay around $170 for one of these       valued at $115.
                                             values well.                         tins on today’s secondary markets.
                                               Although sheet metal stamping        The value of a talc container is     Lastly, collecting baby powder
                                             was first developed around 1815, it   in the container, not its contents, so   tins is a perfect hobby for the entire
                                             was not until after World War I that   since Talc  absorbs  moisture, which   family, especially young girls who
                                             United States industries seriously   can lead to tin rusting, it is best to   enjoy playing with dolls.  Show your
                                             began stamping out tin lithograph    empty old talc tins, especially since,   daughter a Mother Goose tin or your
                                               containers.       The    earliest  as already mentioned, not all talc is   son a Cadette tin and you will have a
                                                   lithographed baby powder       healthy to use.                      collecting buddy for life.  And that is
                                                    tins were produced in the       The values associated with old     the only priceless collection most of
                                                     early  1920s  and  continued   baby powder tins seem high,           us will ever have.
                                                     on throughout the 1950s.     but, as collectors know,
                                                       One of the earliest        no one is making them                         ←“Mother Goose”
                                                     companies  to manufacture    anymore.  The range for                       baby powder tin
                                                     talcum powder in collectible   good condition tins is                      manufactured by the
                                                    tins was NYAL Company         $110  -  $170,  but  some                     Baby Health Products
                                                    of Detroit, Michigan.  In     are  offered  at  much                        Company of New York.
                                                    the  1920s,  NYAL  offered    higher prices.  Recently,                     This tin is just 1 of 10
                                                    its baby powder, Nylotis,     on eBay, a Mother                            known to exist, and it is
                                                   in  beautiful,  baby  blue  tins.    Goose baby powder tin,                 valued at $1,000.
                                                   Today, a Nylotis Baby Powder   manufactured  by  Baby
                                                   tin is valued at $128.         Health Products of New
                                                      Easily the most expensive   York,  was  offered  for
                                                    talcum powder advertising     sale  at  $1,000.    That’s
                                                   tin is the “Mother Goose”      THREE zeros.  The seller
                                                   baby powder tin manufactured   advertised the tin as “1 of
            TOP-Bauer & Black Baby Talc,           by the Baby Health Products    10  known  to  exist,”
          circa 1935, has delightful graphics      Company of New York in the     so it is truly rare and                                  ←Maroc Baby
                                                                                                                                           Powder cools
                 and is valued at $80.             early 1900s.  Only ten of these   truly expensive.                                      hot bottoms.
                                                                                    If you are a novice
                                                   talc  tins  are known to exist
              LEFT-Antique, McKesson &             which explains the high value   collector, be aware                                     This vintage
           Robbins Inc., of New York, baby         of $1,000 placed on these tins   that baby powder tins                                  tin is valued at
            powder advertising tin that is         when one becomes available     should only be gently
                                                   at auction.  The body of this
                                                                                  washed and never
                     valued at $165.               tin is a deep baby blue, and   scrubbed.  Also, other
             RIGHT-Vintage Baby’s Balm tin         Mother Goose and characters    than washing the tin,                   ←This vintage Baker’s Nursery
                                                                                                                          Talcum Powder tin produced
              made by Armour & Company             are   lithographed  entirely   leave it as you find it.                by S. F. Baker & Company of
             of Chicago.  This tin, in excellent   around the tin.                Tins lose value when                    Keokuk, Iowa, is valued at
               condition, is valued at $110.       go, As baby powder tins        repairs or repaints take                $110.
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