Page 219 - Purple Butterfly Book 2
P. 219

      Context Clues
Context clues are clues that are found in a sentence for you to figure out the meaning of a new word relating it to other words in a sentence.
          Language. Read the following sentences, then answer the following questions.
1. One day Aladdin was playing in the street. A tall, dark man stood watching him. When the
game was finished, the man beckoned to Aladdin to come to him. What does the word beckoned mean?
a) summoned b) told c) die
2. Then he embraced Aladdin and gave him five gold coins, saying, “Come with me, and I will show you the sights.”
What does the word embraced mean?
a) carry b) hug c) throw
3. The Magician gave Aladdin some delicious fruit to eat and told him wonderful stories. The lad scarcely noticed how very far they had gone.
What does the word lad mean?
a) eat b) boy c) skate
4. “Ah!” he exclaimed. “This is the very place for which I have been searching. Gather some sticks. I will kindle a fire.”
What does the word kindle mean?
a) turn off b) pour water c) start
5. Then in a rage the Magician rushed to the fire. He threw more of the curious powder upon the fire and muttered the same strange words as before.
What does the word muttered mean? a) murmured b) walked
c) slept

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