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NEWSFLASH                                                                                       Q1 - 2 2019
                                                                                                     Q4 2018

    ICS AGM                                                    BSA Annual
                                                               General Meeting
    The  ICS  AGM  was  held  in  Torshavn  on  the  Faroese
    Islands on 13 June and jointly held with a BoD meet-
    ing the day before. It was a very well organised event     2020 Vision - Seeing things the way they are
    hosted by the Faroese Shipowners Association and the BSA
    was represented by our Chair as well as our Manager.       The BSA Annual General Meeting and Conference will be
    Some of the major issues at the meetings were of course the   held on 9 October in Athens at the Yacht Club of Greece. As
    IMO GHG Strategy and the Sulphur Cap, as can be read about   always the BSA Secretariat aim to  provide an afternoon of
    in the ICS Press release on the meeting. Also, the BSA Chair,   very high quality speakers to discuss the most current top-
    Mr John Adams, was re-elected as Vice Chairman of the ICS.   ics in shipping.
    Communications Strategy                                               With  the  coming  of  1  January  2020,  there  is
                                                                          still a lot of uncertainty about the  effects of
    Also  discussed  at  the  ICS  meet-                                  the Sulphur cap. With the late decision on not
    ings  was  the  development  of  a                                    introducing  an  experience  building  phase,
    new  Communications  Strategy.                                        worries  have  grown  even  stronger  among
    The  work  has  been  initiated  by                                   shipowners and operators as to how the intro-
    the  newly  appointed  Communi-                                       duction of the new regulation will be applied
    cations Director at the ICS and it                                    by various States.
    was  agreed  a  Working  Group                                        As always, the BSA will have a line up of highly
    would be established as a means                                       reputable speakers to present and discuss the
    of  identifying  the  major  target                                   issues  at  hand.  Together  we  will  strive  to
    audience  for  the  ICS  as  well  as                                 straighten  out  some  of  the  major  topical
    developing  a  initial  draft  strate-  Curtesy of Stuart Neil, ICS Communications Director   questions to support owners and operators in their strate-
    gy as a means of supporting the ICS Strategic work. In such   gic decisions.
    areas such as the Sulphur Cap Guidelines.
                                                               The afternoon promise a good event for meeting and net-
    New Fee Structure                                          working with colleagues from around the shipping indus-
    There  has  been  requests  for  a  more  transparent  fee  struc-  try as well as with our colleagues at the Bahamas Maritime
    ture,  and  the  newly  appointed  Chief  Financial  Officer  pre-  Authority Athens and London offices and part of the BMA
    sented a proposal to address these concerns. It is not envis-  Board.
    aged that the new fee structure will have any major implica-  The BSA Board and Secretariat look forward to welcoming
    tions for the BSA.                                         you to the AGM on 9 October in Athens.

    ILO Sectoral Meeting                                       USCG & EPA

    The ILO Sectoral Meeting on the Recruitment and Retention   The  annual  meetings  with  the  United  States
    of Seafarers and the Promotion of Opportunities for Women   Coast Guard and the US Environmental Protec-
    Seafarers was held in Geneva at the ILO Headquarters on 25   tion Agency will take place on 4 and 5 Septem-
    February to 1 March 2019).                                 ber respectively.
    As is suggested by the meeting title, the focus of the meet-  Members  are  advised  that  a  separate  call  for
    ing was recruitment and retention of women seafarers. How-  agenda items to be discussed at the meetings
    ever, the issue of increased automation and autonomy was
    also  part  of  the  discussions,  although  to  a  much  lesser  de-  will be sent during the first half of August. Members with a
    gree  than  had  been  anticipated.  Both  the  ICS  and  the  ITF   specific  interest  in  participating  at  the  meetings  are  ad-
    published  reports  on  the  socio-economic  consequences  for   vised to contact the BSA Manager, Anders Brodje, to dis-
    seafarers during the latter part of 2018 and early 2019 as a   cuss  the  possibility  of  participating.  Please  keep  in  mind
    means of forming a base for such discussions.              space  is  limited,  and  that  the  BSA  delegation  should  in-
    Our Manager, Mr Anders Brodje, was part of the shipowners   clude appropriate subject matter experts.
    delegation and  also  the delegation’s expert on automation   Similarly to last year, the BSA is considering a small recep-
    and  Human  Factors.  Anders  has  a  research  degree  in  Mari-  tion with maritime stakeholders such as CLIA, the Chamber
    time Human Factors from Chalmers University of Technology   of Shipping of America, INTERTANKO and World Shipping
    and was also part of the team writing the ICS report on in-  Council.
    creased  automation.  Anders  also  formed  part  of  the  ship-
    owners negotiating team at the ILO together with Mr Stew-  Members  in  the  area,  permanently  or  on  temporarily  on
    art Inglis, ICS, and Mr Tim Springett, UKChS, negotiating the   business are more than welcome to participate at the re-
    terms of the final resolution of the meeting.              ception.  This  will  be  a  good  industry  networking  oppor-
    As part of discussions on the main issue of the meeting, re-  tunity and allow both members and BSA BoD representa-
    tention and recruitment of women seafarers, one of the ma-  tives  and  the  Secretariat  to  meet  and  discuss  matters  at
    jor  focus  areas  was  pregnancy  testing  of  women  prior  to   hand, member support issues and more.
    working onboard. Although there was no formal outcome of   The  BSA  Secretariat  will  endeavour  to  invite  members  in
    the  meeting,  there  was  a  striking  difference  in  approaches
    between the shipowners focus on duty of care for onboard   the  relative  close  vicinity  of  Washington  D.C.,  but  mem-
    personnel  vs.  the  integrity  and  equal  treatment  of  women   bers are advised to contact the BSA Secretary to ensure an
    seafarers as argued by the ITF and supported by the ILO.   invite is sent.
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