Page 19 - Tavern Players - Summer Issue 2022
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theatre was later split into multiple view- ing screens to keep up with other local multiplexes. It was the advent of home theatre, big screen TV’s and a sagging economy that closed the doors of the Co- lonial in 2000.
It wasn’t until enough people, planning and funding came through in 2015 to re- ignite interest in bringing life back to the Colonial and thus push Laconia back to vitality. In 2021, refurbishment was com- plete and doors opened for the public to see what the Colonial once was, though updated to accommodate for today’s tech- nology.
This brings us to the point of this ar- ticle. Being in the right place at the right time is everything in business and in life; which was the thinking of Mike Testa and
Defiant Records & Craft Beer sits right next to the newly renovated Colonial Theatre.
SUMMER 2022 / 19
Defiant’s branding is found everywhere inside.
efiant Records
Craft Beer