Page 39 - Tavern Players - Summer Issue 2022
P. 39
Saturday, June 11th
16th Annual Peter Makris Memorial Ride: Naswa Resort, 11–1pm. NH State Police Escorted Ride to NH Motor Speedway for a lap around the track!
Returning to the Naswa for lunch and entertainment all afternoon! Ride benefits the
Easter Seals NH Veterans Count Program, Laconia Fire Department’s
Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and “Building Dreams for Marines!”
Bike Show: Sport Bikes Only. High Octane Saloon from 11-3pm. Contact Dick: (603) 455-0458.
Sunday, June 12th
Antique Car Show at High Octane Saloon at 12pm. Registration begins at 10am.
Monday, June 13th
Photo by Tony Campo.
Mae-West Memorial ‘for the love of pets’ Ride: Leaves Rally Headquarters at 10:30am for a ride through lo-
cal scenic towns to High Octane Saloon. Benefits local animal support shelter. Line-ups may begin at 8:30am. Riders receive a custom t-shirt for their donation.
Tribute to Longtime Motorcyclists at the Looney Bin from 7:30pm-9:30pm. Join Paul Cote from Check Twice Signs
for “Check Twice Night” to pay tribute to 50-years of ABATE.
Tuesday, June 14th
Ride to the Racetrack! Help New England children in need by joining this motorcycle ride from Laconia Harley-Davidson to NH Motor Speedway for laps around the 1.6-mile full road course! Registration is $20 per rider or passenger & ALL proceeds benefit the NH Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities, the official charity of NHMS. Registration at 9am and Kickstands up at 10am! motorcycle-week/charity-rides/
Bagger & Vintage Motorcycle Show Sponsored by Haymond Law Firm: Location: High Octane Saloon, 11–3pm, (603) 455-0458.
“Ride Free on Three” Motorcycle Sidecar and Trike Show. $15 to register. All trikes and sidecars welcome. Many different classes to enter with multiple awards. High Octane Saloon from 11am to 3pm. For more info, call Peddlar at (978) 471-0904.
Wednesday, June 15th
Gunstock AMATEUR Hill Climb is back! Staged by Ridge Runner Promotions and presented by Eastcoastin’ Enterprises. Admission is $20 (cash only!) and FREE for children 10 and under. Event is from 9am to 5pm, BYOB and vended beverage & food options will be available. On site camping by tent, RV, or cabin is available for this event in Gunstock’s award winning campground, but sells out very quickly! Reserve camping at:
Thursday, June 16th
29th Annual POW/MIA Freedom Ride.... “THE RIDE TO THE ROCK” & 34th Anniversary of the Vigil: Meet at Winnipe- saukee Crossing, Kickstands up at 6pm sharp. Line-ups at 5pm. In honor of POW/MIAs and families. NazBar Tattoo Contest at the Naswa Resort on the beach at 6pm. Call Dick Cartier for more info at 603-455-0458.
Friday, June 17th
NorthEast Motorcycle Road Racing at New Hampshire Motor Speedway: For race schedule and all activities visit
17th Annual City of Laconia Bike Show: Opechee Park, 11–1pm. Benefits City of Laconia, (603) 455-0458. Swap Meet! Opechee Park, 8am-1pm. Benefits City of Laconia. Vendors, call Dick (603) 455-0458.