Page 69 - Tavern Players - Summer Issue 2022
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PDC 2022 World Championships - The pinnacle of top darts begins every year where the world’s best throw down at the legendary Alexandria Palace in England for the sport’s most coveted trophy and a whopping £2,500,000 in prize money. That surely eclipses your local blind draw’s triple shoot pot.
nearly every weekend all over the world.
They make their one stop in North America this June 3-4 with the
The “Worlds” lasts almost 3 weeks and this year was
won for a second time by the World #1 Ranked Peter “Snakebite” Wright, whose colorful styling masks his world-class accuracy. The runner-up was Michael “Bully
Boy” Smith, the #4 ranked player in the world, whose unmatched natural talent has never resulted in him lifting
the trophy at the end of any major televised event (think 1990s Buffalo Bills). His record of collapses taints an otherwise stellar career. These two players epitomize the wide world’s emotional bookends of victory and defeat.
US Darts Masters at New York City’s Madison Square Garden. Tickets are available for experiencing the party atmosphere of costume-wearing fans serenading players with songs and chants while they throw the most amazing darts you’ve ever witnessed. This one features the best players from USA and Canada challenging an all-star lineup
After two years of the pandemic forcing pro darts to go online, then played in empty, fan-less venues, the PDC is fully back to packed arenas and their normal calendar of events occurring
Speaking of Fallon Sherrock, she’ll also be participating in the PDC’s first-ever professional tour for women. Like the WNBA of darts, the ladies are finally getting their own professional tour, with 20 tournaments held across 5 weekends in 2022. After experimenting with the format during the pandemic, the PDC has made this commitment to elevating a long-neglected side of the sport.
Professional Darts Corporation (PDC)
of players, including female phenom Fallon Sherrock.
Visit for details, including ticket info for the US Darts Masters.
World Darts Federation (WDF)
Dart Players New England (DPNE)
The World Darts Federation (WDF) governs the amateur side and will conduct what is sometimes known as the “other” world championship this April 2-10 (postponed from January due to Covid). Held
A bit closer to home, DPNE kicked off their 2022 tour season on February 12 in Beverly, MA. Thirty- nine hungry players squared off with Aaron Rench defeating tour organizer, Scott Estle, in the final by a margin of 8 legs to 2.
• April 30: Rockland MA
• May 22: Malden, MA
• June 25: Dover, NH
• July 30: Willimantic, CT
• August 20: Concord, NH
• September 24: Fall River, MA
at the legendary Lakeside venue at Frimley Green in England, this competition features elite world-ranked amateurs, including both men, women and youths, including 8 players from USA and Canada.
The tour’s remaining stops include:
Far from immune to global politics, even darts are feeling the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with players from Russia and Belarus being potentially banned from competition. We hope the conflict ends soon for such measures to be lifted in all sports in the name of world peace.
For more information, go to
American Darts Organization (ADO)
Plan now to attend, visit for flyers.
In January, the ADO held its annual 501 and Cricket National Championships in Las Vegas, with over 120 of the USA’s top men and women battling through grueling days of round-robin group play. This is one
• April 1-3: White Mountain Shootout, Shelburne, NH • October 28-30: Witch City Open, Nashua, NH
• November 11-13: Seacoast Open, Andover, MA
of dart’s biggest marathons and a test of both mental and physical endurance and stamina.
In 501, Washington’s Kevin Luke took home the title, with New Hampshire’s own Jay Waugh achieving a Top 4 finish. Additional local representation included Maine’s Jeff Roy and Massachusetts’ Chris Franklin, both bowing out in the Top 8. For the ladies, New York’s Cali West added another title to her impressive career and Massachusetts’ Bette Cunningham ended her run in the Top 8.
In Cricket, South Dakota’s Elliot milk topped the field, keeping the trophy away from New Hampshire by defeating Jay Waugh, who had a tremendous showing in both events. Paula Murphy, a powerhouse player from Florida took home the ladies hardware while Bette Cunningham matched her 501 results with another Top 8 finish.
For more information, go to
North American Players at the WDF World Championships
Leonard Gates (USA) Kevin Luke (USA)
Jules van Dongen (USA) Paula Murphy (USA) Rory Hansen (CA)
David Cameron (CA) Shawn Burt (CA)
Darlene van Sleeuwen (CA)
Follow their progress for free starting April 2nd, 2022 on DartConnect TV: (Live Scoreboards, Stats, and Results)
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