Page 68 - Tavern Players - Summer Issue 2022
P. 68
TPM’s Wide World of Darts
The Thrill of Victory The Agony of Defeat
2x World Champion, The enigmatic Peter “Snakebite” Wright Michael “Bully Boy” Smith, stalls at the finish line...again!
Do you remember this tagline?
Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition...
BNy Gregg Tong, Tavern Players Darts Correspondent
amed by Time Magazine in 2007 to its list of 100 best television programs of all time,
ABC’s Wide World of Sports was an anthology and tribute to diverse competitions from around the world that would rarely appear on American TV. Darts certainly fits that category, so it’s a shame the show was discontinued in 1998. (Yes, this is an article for the old-timers)
Live streaming has certainly filled the void created by major networks who ignore darts in favor of spelling bees, cornhole, or even professional adult tag. If ESPN and Fox Sports won’t air the darts, then let the Internet democratize the coverage. There are more and more options for darts broadcasts through your WiFi (PDCTV, DAZN, and others that are both free and subscription-based), plus the amateur streams are increasing their sophistication and quality all the time.
Even so, it can be difficult for your average pub player to stay in touch with what’s happening in the “Wide World” of their favorite pastime, both locally and abroad. Let us shine a light for you on some of the biggest news and happenings in your backyard and beyond.
Think Global, Dart Local
68 / SUMMER 2022