Page 16 - California MusicBox - Recital Program 2022-2_Neat
P. 16

!ank y#

              !) recital has been organized initial y to +owcase , progre s of #r -udents.

      reason  why  we  arran/d  .)  0ecial  event  )  to  say  “!ank  y#”  to

              everyone who has believed in and su%o&ed us…e pecial y , la- 2 years. Parents,

              .ank y# for y#r tru-. Teachers, .ank y# for y#r hard work. Volunteers, .ank

              y#  for  y#r  de1cation.  Some  of  ,  people  we  re pect  and  love  ,  mo-  worked

              behind , scene  in several events. We w#ld like to expre s #r sincere gratitude to

              Jonny, Bonnee, Jen, Tom, Jan, Mary, E(c, , Chamber and Chamber members

              and B&B for al  .eir effo&s in so many California MusicBox events. !ere

              )  an  extended  community  behind  .)  music  school  and  none  of  .e e  events  c#ld

              have been as wonderful wi.#t .eir love and su%o&.

                     ~An3eas, Alex) & Mav)
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