Page 4 - One TAFE Employee Induction Program Nowra Campus NSW
P. 4

You will be required to attend

           mandatory WHS training (Date to be


           Accordingly, we will provide you with

           a copy of One TAFE Health &

           Safety Policy. You will be required

           to sign it once you have read it.

           You will be provided with fire safety

           procedures and what to do if the fire

           alarm sounds and who the responsible Campus Wardens are for Nowra


           Please note One TAFE IS a NO SMOKING AREA but there are designated zones external to
           the Campus for this purpose.


           In order for you to be able to piece together ‘who is who’ in the organisation,

           we have organised a meeting with our Administration and HR staff who will

           be able to run through with you such things as how to claim for your hours

           worked; compensation and benefits; Code of Conduct handbook; staff

           access card (this is also used to gain access to the campus wide printers);

           details of your superannuation; and other related employment details.

           You will also be able to refer to the organisation chart for Nowra Campus at

           Attachment ‘B’ to gain a better understanding of just where you fit in here at

           Nowra Campus.

           We have also included an organisation chart for the One TAFE Corporate

           structure at Attachment ‘C’ so that you can see just where TAFE Illawarra,

           Nowra Campus fits into the ‘big picture’.
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