Page 19 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 19
The Granny Knot
This is simpl, a mistaken form of
the Square Knot; the rule of keeping B , ,
the same end front is not applied. ..
When you tighten a Granny, its
make·up is easily noted in a rope,
becau3C it fails to pull flat, onc half
being tied forward, the other half
backwards, so to speak (fig. 3).
Often, a Granny Knot will jam,
making it difficult to untie. Or, in
perverse fashion, it may slip instead
of remaining tied. For this reason, the
Granny has been branded "the most
dangerous of knots," though it does fig. 1
not quite deserve that stigma.
fig. 2
fig. 3