Page 35 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 35
Midshipman's Hitch
This is simply two Half Hitches,
but with an added twist to one. The
easiest procedure is as follows: Use
the end of the rope to take a Half
Hitch around the standing parti then
follow with the second Half Hitch.,
but in completing it, make a round
turn about the standing part (fig. 1),
before drawing the end through
the loop (fig 2).
An alternate method is to make the
round turn in completing the first ROUND TURN
Half Hitchi then simply add the
second Half Hitch in the accepted
fashion. fig. 1
In either case, the Midshipman's
Hitch does not have to be looped
about an object to use iti it can be
made and adjusted like a noose and
will "stay put" when drawn tight
fig. 2
fig. 3