Page 80 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 80
fig. 1
Go-Go Knots
You tie a series of simple Overhand
Knots along a length of rope, working
from the left end to the right, SO that
the knots run in regular order (fig. 1).
T (l.king the ends of the rope, you say
"Go!" I give the rope a quick stretch
and the knots arc gone.
This is done as follows: Keep the
knots "open" so they can be looped
or gathered over the extended left fin~
gen, starting with the knot at the left.
The right hand helps in this proce~
clure and you must be careful to place
each knot exactly the same way,
without twisting the rope. The right
hand tucks its end of the rope
between the projecting left fingers.
Turn the left hand so the right co.n
grip the left end of the rope (fig. 2).
With the word "Gal", pull the hands
wide apart. The left hand comes
through the coiled knots, eliminating
them instantly.
fig. 2