Page 92 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 92

       helpers with knots ::It regular inter~
       vals. Since you couldn't have had a
       thing to do with it, the knots must
       have been tied by the obliging spooks.
         That, at least, is your story. Here is
       how you really do it. In coiling the
       rope on the floor use "underhand"
       loops as described in "TIu«: Amuing
       Knots." But in this case, the loops
       must be very large, three feet across
       or more.
         Once tlfe lights are out, pick up all
       the loops together and drop them
       over the head and shoulders of the
       helper on the left (fig.  Z).  Start that
       person to the far corner of the room.
       That will draw out the rope and form
       the knots automatically (fig. 3),
       bttause  putting the loops DUet the
       helper is the same as putting the left end
       of the rope thTOUgh the loops. The end
       goes through the loops and the knots
       appear, but on a bigger scale and
       under mysterious conditions.
         Just pick the proper helper for the
       person on the left; either a friend who
       will work with you, or someone who
       will blame the "spooks" for pushing
       them around.  Then the trick will be
       all the simpler.
                                                      fig.  2

                                   fig. 3
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