Page 99 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 99

                                         That'.~ how they  find you, all tied
                                       up as you were at the start. You can
                                       e .. en let them apply sealing wax  to the
                                       knots  to prove you have  nOt tam-
                                       pered with them. This  nOt only adds
                                       to the mystery,  it serves as a reason
                                       wny they must cut the ropes or work
                                       tltt: knuts loose afterward.
                                         Everyone is likely to believe that
                                       you got out of the ropes and some-
                                       how tied yourself back in  them.
                                       which  is all  the morc wonderful- or
                                       would be if you could do it!
                                         One final  point: never fold:your aims
                                       when working this  trick or you will
                                       be boxed for sure.  Simply cross them
                                       so that the right lies over the left;
                                       then you can always wriggle o ur, even
                                       when the ropes af C pulled very tight.
                                         But if some skeptic wants to try the
                                       trick himself o r argues that you wcr-
                                       en't securely bound. put him in the
                                       chair and tie him. First, however, get
                                       him to fold his arms, or draw the
                                       rO;Jes up through as if they were
                                       folded.  He just wan'r get out.

                BRING ARM
                OVER HEAD

                   fig. 4
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