Page 20 - eLamdag June 2020
P. 20

 An important point to remember: on our own we can’t make many of these changes. It is only with the help of the Holy Spirit that we are able to replace our ingrained undesirable attitudes and behavior.
The second way we can be an agent of change for Christ is to bring other professionals and business people to him. We do this when we invite them to breakfast - even to our online breakfasts. However, the more powerful way is by living our lives according to our faith.
This, of course, is closely related to the changes we are making in our daily lives. When our own lives reflect Jesus’ kindness and love, and we invite people to BCBP, they will probably think, “That explains why this person is kind/fair/ etc... he is a follower of Christ.”
When we have brought others to Christ, we need all the more to make the changes that God wants us to do in our lives. Paul says that obedience to Christ is like being in a race: we have to do it as if we are competing for a price. We have to discipline ourselves. Otherwise, after having preached God to others, we ourselves might be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
The third way we can serve as Christian agents for change is by initiating or supporting changes in our businesses so that our practices will be “more and more” consistent with God’s will. If we notice something in our practices that violates God’s commands, we should do what we can to stop it.
And if we notice that our customers or colleagues are being treated unfairly or given a hard time, it would not be enough to wish them well and say we’ll pray for them. As the apostle James
said, “If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead (James 2:16-17).”
When we decide to pursue change in our business or place of work, we must first examine our motives. If our intention is to “seek the good of the other”, then we should proceed. When our change efforts are inspired by love for others, we can say, like Jesus, that we seek not our own glory, but he glory of Him who sent us (John 8:50).
In the course of pursuing change, we will encounter setbacks and problems. People who want to block our efforts may use the “ways of the world” to stop us, like accusing us of things that are not true. Let’s not be dismayed when that happens - Jesus already told us that since they did those things to Him, they can easily do the same to us.
And let us not respond with evil thoughts or actions. Instead, let’s remember that people who oppose the changes that we’re working for are also loved by God. So let’s find ways to respond with love, and overcome with good.
Then when our change efforts bear fruit, let us remember that it is only with God’s help that we have accomplished anything.
Changes in our personal lives, work and enterprises will continue as we journey with God and seek to give more glory to Him.
What change does God want you to make today?
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