P. 16
2. Formative Test
Please choose the correct answer between a, b, c or d!
1. Please read the text and answer the question!
The Importance of Education
If there is one cornerstone that has been supporting the foundations of human civilization for
the last five thousand years, I would say it is education. Generally speaking, it can be described
as the process of passing on knowledge, experience, and skills from older generations to
younger ones, although it comprises much more. Starting perhaps with paleolithic art on cave
walls and ending up with today's highly technological online services, education has always
been something more significant than a transfer of knowledge. I believe one could say that
education unites and incorporates people around the globe into one community, sharing the
same values, history, knowledge, and aspirations.
This is probably why we tend to see people who refuse to share global values as outcasts and
marginals. Indeed, despite all the proclaimed tolerance, we rarely take the representatives of
mindsets alternative to the majority seriously. With all due respect to the right of an individual
to believe in whatever he or she wants, in schools and colleges students learn that Earth is a
globe, and that the Universe is approximately 14 billion years old.
They learn that all species living on the planet today evolved from their more primitive
relatives, and that this process continues at present. They learn that the sky is neither solid, nor
is it inhabited by divine spirits. They learn all this not because one group of people oppresses
the right of another one to confess their beliefs, but because some theories are supported by
facts and scientific evidence while others are not.
So, one of the reasons why education is important is its ability to include an individual into a
system of values and beliefs shared by the community of educated people worldwide. If there
is a meeting between two people who belong to completely different cultures, but have the
same level of education, they will be able to understand each other-not in terms of language,
but in terms of outlook. They will share the same concepts about how the world is organized,
and this is one of the fundamentals of communication. In a way, education is a door to the
modern world with all of its opportunities.
According to the text, why is education important?
a. Because we can learn that all species living on the planet today evolved from their more
primitive relatives, and that this process continues at present
b. Because it can include an individual into a system of values and beliefs shared by the
community of educated people worldwide
c. Because we can learn that Earth is a globe, and that the Universe is approximately 14
billion years’ old
d. Because we can learn that the sky is neither solid, nor is it inhabited by divine spirits
2. What is/are the social function(s) of analytical exposition text?
a. To persuade your audience to look at an issue with your opinion.
b. To elaborate the writer's idea about the surrounding phenomenon
E-Book Analytical Exposition Text| 15