Page 26 - CSC-110-H108
P. 26
For second app, click Weather tile. It opens All Apps
and replaces Mail, which is now hiding in the Button

Windows Key – press Windows Key on the
keyboard to switch between the Start Screen
and the Desktop screen. This is very handy.

5. Leave the app open, press Windows key to go back to Start Screen.

6. Third app: click on the News app tile. This replaces Weather window. Go back to Start Screen.
Charms Bar – point mouse to upper right edge (Hot Corner) of screen and drag down. Contains
Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings. To close bar, click blank area of screen. (Shortcut to open
Charms: Windows key+C; to close, ESC)

Search Menu – quick way to find Apps, Settings, and Files. Simply start typing on Start Screen – select
desired application. Or open Charms columns, choose Search.

7. Open the Charms Bar by pointing mouse to upper right hot corner of screen and drag down. Choose
Search from the bar.

8. Fourth app: On Start Screen start typing OneDrive until the name appears in Search Charm
Results. Click App name to open it. Do not log in. s Bar

9. Fifth app: On Start Screen type in Reader in the search bar. Enter.

Switch List. Displays all five open apps, but only the last one is visible. Point to
the upper left hot corner and drag down to see the Switch List, where the other four
should be displayed in little thumbnails. (Do not click at this time.)

Now you will work with these apps.

10. To re-open an app behind the Start Screen, point to upper left hot corner and drag
down to display Switch List containing thumbnails of running apps. Click on
thumbnail to re-open News.

Close a Tile/Program/App – right click on thumbnail on Switch List, choose
Close, or press Alt F4. These methods close, not hide, the app.

11. Open the Switch List, do a right click on the Mail thumbnail and choose Close. The
app is now closed.

12. Reopen Weather, using the Switch List.

13. Close Reader app with Alt+F4.

14. Use any of these methods to close the remaining apps.

15. On the Start screen, move the Desktop tile to the upper left corner of tiles (drag and drop it there). Other
tiles will move to make room.

16. Move the Microsoft Word tile below the Desktop tile (if it is on your screen).
Windows Key – press Windows Key on the keyboard to switch between the Start Screen and the
Desktop screen. This is very handy. You can also click on Desktop tile or press Windows key+D.

17. From the Start Screen, open the Desktop screen, using one of these methods: click on Desktop tile, or
press Windows key+D or press ESC key.

18. Switch back and forth between the Start Screen and Desktop by pressing Windows key multiple times.
Practice using several of these methods.
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